Chapter 5

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          It was midnight when Karaka heard knocking on his door. Of all the people it could've been, the last person he had expected was Viole. "Viole? What are you doing here?"

          Viole ignored the question. Instead, he looked up and locked eyes with him. "Did you mean it? What you said about training me."

          Karaka squinted his eyes in suspicion. It's clear that the boy is serious, but something's strange. I don't know him very well, but he certainly doesn't seem like the type to wander about in the dead of night asking questions. He likely has other intentions for coming here, better keep my guard up. "Yes, I can take the place of your master should you need me to. After all, you'll need to become stronger if you want to survive this war."

          Viole paused for a moment before speaking again. "You were right, Karaka. I've put both my team and FUG in danger. I already knew I was in the crosshairs of the Great Families, but I still selfishly dragged you all in too by attacking the Nest."

          "That's why you should stay in FUG, Viole. If we are in this mess together, then we should protect each other. We can even protect your friends if you desire it."

          Viole was already shaking his head. "No Karaka, there's only one way to truly protect everybody. By staying with FUG, or my friends, I would only lead them to their deaths. I won't make that selfish mistake again. That's why I'm leaving tonight."

          Karaka recoiled in disbelief. "I know you care little for FUG, but to leave your friends? I find that difficult to believe. During the workshop battle, you defied FUG to rejoin your friends, despite knowing that we would try to kill them. Did you really think I would believe you would leave without telling them first? I don't understand what you're intentions were coming here tonight, but I have no time for deceptions, boy."

          Karaka went to shut the door, but suddenly there was a look of immense sadness that made him pause. "If I told the others, they wouldn't have let me go. That's why I have to go without telling them."

          Karaka narrowed his eyes. What the boy says is true. FUG, the regulars, Dowon, Cha, and even the remnants of White would likely follow him wherever he went. And yet, to leave them behind without a word? It was twisted in a way that he never would've expected from Viole. "Then why are you here? Why are you telling me all this?"

          "Because I need a master, and as much as I hate to admit it, you're the only one I trust to teach me and survive climbing with me. Karaka, will you be my-"

          Before he could finish, Karaka started laughing. "You want me as your master? Your proposal is absolutely preposterous. I promised I could train you if you stayed with FUG. If I went along with your plan, I would be abandoned my duties as a slayer," Karaka scoffed before continuing. "I was worried that you would make the wrong decision but this is just foolish, and will only lead to your death."

          "It's not my death I'm worried about. I will always, ALWAYS do what I have to protect my friends, and now I understand this is the only way do that." Karaka could hear a twinge of regret in Viole's voice, but it remained strong. "I'm leaving tonight regardless of if you join me. If you don't want to come, I understand. It'll be easier to disappear from the eyes of Jahad, FUG, and my friends if I go alone after all." He shrugged and turned to walk out of Karaka's room. "I just thought you would want to keep an eye on me, that's all."

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