The Signs

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Oliver's P.O.V

It has been four years since we first met Leo. And I can honestly say these four years have been some of the happiest and most challenging in all my life. It has taken a long time to help Leo work through his trauma. Now though our relationship has never been better we are deeply in love and trust each other through everything. That's not to say we don't have bad days or struggles but over all we are living our best lives.

Lately though Leo has been especially attached to my side and rarely seeks out Asher. He has been making mini nests all over the house and is always wearing our clothes instead of his. I know Asher is hurt by Leo's sudden disinterest. And not that I don't like Leo's attention, but he is practically glued to my side. I just can't figure it out. So, I am going to question Leo. I corner him in the library. And sit down across from him on one of the lounges.

"Do you know what you've been doing?" I start. Leo gives me a confused look.

"I haven't been doing anything at least not intentionally." He says.

"You've been clinging to me and bypassing Ash whenever you need something. You make mini nests every were and you never were your own clothes you're always wearing something of Asher or mines." I list.

"I don't know I've just been following my instincts. They seem to be stronger then ever right now and you guys always told me to follow my instincts." He says. I think for one second and only I can only come up with one.

"Did you- Did you take your potion last month?" I ask. Leo gasps.

"You don't think..."

"I don't know. Have you gotten your cycle?" I ask. Leo looks up thinking.

"No, I have missed a month. But you know how irregular it is for me." Leo says.

"Then you will have to take a test." Personally, I will not be upset if Leo is with child. I love children and we are old enough now to consider children. "You are going to have to tell Asher." He freezes and I see his walls go up. He rarely uses them now days but back in the beginning we got accustomed to him looking himself in his own head.

"Leo. Leo." I say trying to get his attention. He snaps his head to me. "Everything will be okay no matter the outcome. Asher is not going to punish you. I for one would be happy. And I know we haven't talked about it, but Asher loves kids and so do I." I know he didn't really believe me, but I had to try anyway. "Come on Leo I can make a quick potion that tests for pregnancy." He gulps but follows behind me slowly. I head down to the lab and start to concoct the potion. After an hour I hand Leo the completed potion. "All you have to do is go in the vile. We will know fifteen minutes after." I say giving him a small reassuring smile. I really hope he is pregnant.

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