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It hadn't even been an hour since I had awoken from my sleep that I already had an urge to kill someone. In the small period of time I was told three things. Me and my four friends were given the news that we would be attending Auradon Prep, and to top it off we didn't have a choice, the main reason our parents agreed to this was because Maleficent wanted Mal and us to grab the Fairy Godmother's wand. And to make things even better my mother was the main reason for the idea. She wanted me to place everyone under a spell, a spell that can only be done with the power of chaos magic, since she doesn't have her powers and I somehow do.

I knew what would happen the second we stepped foot on the campus. We are going to be seen as total freaks,outcasts, they would fear us, which won't be that bad but ugh that school is just..ugh. Right then and there the only thing I wanted to do was rip the head off someone.

I let my long jet black hair down from the messy bun that was once in fall behind my back as l picked what I would wear . I huffed in annoyance as I picked up my black duffel bag which I filled with everything I needed (which was like half of my room but it's fine), then I slung it on my shoulder as I opened the door of my room.

I didn't get half way down the stairs and I already heard yelling which by now indicated that a meeting was being held. The two main voices I heard were Mal's mother and my mother. From what I could gather it seems that they were yelling at each other on whose daughter will get the wand.

The sounds of my boots caused everyone's eyes to look at me. I dropped my bag on the table and the awkward silence continued.

She smirked in my direction and she continued her heated conversation with Maleficent about their so-called "world domination" plan. I rolled my eyes as I locked eyes with Mal who sat across from me. Out of the four of my friends, she was the one I am closer with since our positions are VERY similar. She was like my little sister. The only difference between the both of us was that I was more of a bitch and I didn't care about anyone other than our friends and I wasn't afraid to do anything that I needed or wanted to do. That included hurting something to someone.

"Oh, my evie isn't going to leave this place until we get rid of this unibrow." Evie's mother, the evil queen, said as she picked up her brow plucker.. thingy. Evie touched the spot in between her eyebrows as she groaned. Mal let out an irritated sigh as she took out her drawing book and began to draw who knows what.

"Well, even though I have no say in this, I still have a voice that I have very intention to use , so since none of you want us to go, why don't we just? I don't know this is going to seem crazy but, not go?" I asked with a fake sweet smile and voice as I looked at my not-so-hideous looking mother who hasn't changed over the past few years.

"Ophelia, it's been decided that you five will attend the school in Auradon and you will get the fairy godmother's magic wand so we can finally get out of this damned island." My mom said with her face twisted in disgust. You would think that a villain like her would have been used to living like this but no, mother dearest needs to live the life she deserves.. The life of a queen.

I looked back down to my song book, when in the corner of my eye I saw Maleficent give her spell book to Mal . I looked at my mom who rested a hand on Mal's shoulder and gave her somewhat of a smile.. I narrowed my eyes at this and internally the thought of going off with someones head in my hand seem very tempeding

I began to stand up and pick up my duffel bag on the floor when I heard the maleficent say " Racey Give your daughter your book and ring, she'll need it." before she disappeared with mal sending me a 'help-me-i'm-bored-to-death' look.

I looked at my mother's cold eyes as she removed a gold ring that was around her ring finger that was embedded with a ruby which would not only look good on me but strengthen my powers. She took my hand and opened my palm then dropped the ring on it. When i tried to pull my hand out, mother gripped my hand, she did it hard enough that if done long enough i a bruise would have been left behind.

"Do not be a disgrace to me. I expect the best from you." I let out a sigh then nodded as I pulled my hand away from her tight grip, leaving her there and my memories of her that already scarred my heart. "Lia," she said before I stepped out of the room. "Hmm" I asked. "What do we say to those who wrong She smirked, and i smirked back and said her infamous words

"Off with their heads"
Went back up to my room and packed my bags, one for the clothes and one that contained things that I would need eventually. You'd never know what could be happy in a place where everything is all sunshines and rainbows. Nothing but happiness.... They thought it made me want to barf.

When I stepped outside, I saw a weirdly long vehicle which I assumed was going to be used to get us off the aisle. I saw that Mal already got in which meant I was the last, as usual. I tossed my bag at the driver and I saw him stumble back when he grasped it.

I smirked, then got inside the car, didn't even bother to look back because I knew I would lay eyes on my least favorite person on the whole island,I sat in between Evie and Mal as Mal just stared off into space and I began plotting my own more effetecf plan for getting the magic wand.

"Damm women, what did you pack in that bag? '' Jay asked. I smirked and replied to him "Oh you know clothes,my book,my bow and arrow, my daggers, just the needs". Jay and Carlos looked at me like I was crazy, which they weren't wrong. I smirked and laughed at them.

"Here lia, you might wanna retouch because your complexion is so not royal-worthy." Evie said as she began brushing her brush at my cheeks, making me feel as if I was a canvas she wanted to paint on.

I slapped her hand away from my face then put a lock of hair behind my ear. "Ugh, stop. I'm.. plotting." I said dismissively as I began to think again.

"Well... it's not very attractive." She shot back as she took a bite of a candy. "Yeah well it's not like i'll need it,". I always had self-love about myself but there are times where that self love likes to go on a day trip and leave my body. But today was not thoughts days

I leaned back on the leather chair and began to sink into my thoughts until carlos' loud voice broke me out of my concentration.

"IT'S A TRAP!! WE'RE DOOMED!!" I looked behind me and saw that the vehicle was heading straight to the broken bridge. My eyes widened "SHIT SHIT SHIT" a scream broke out from my lips as we all hugged each other for, possibly, the last time.

It reminds of when you're falling DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE.

But when I noticed that a painful,cold and terroristic paint didn't wash over my body, I opened my eyes to see a golden bridge suddenly appeared under the vehicle as it continued to drive along the magical path. Me and Mal turned our attention back to the driver at the front then caught his attention.

"Hey" I said to the driver as I whistled along to him."Did this little button just open up the magic barrier?" She asked as she held a small remote.

"No, this one opens up the magic barrier," the driver then lifted a much smaller remote then continued to drive. "That one opens my garage." he pointed and it was remote. "And this..." he pushed a button which closed the little window we talked through.

"Okay.." I laughed and smiled as did Evie and Mal. "Nasty.. I like that guy."

After the oh so lovely chat with the driver, Jay and Carlos continued to chow down on the weird food thingies while Mal tried to get Evie to stop putting makeup on her. As for me, I went back to plotting my master plan. But something was wrong.. I got this weird feeling in me and I had no idea what it was. It was like a weird pain like a mild cramp you get during your period but slightly worse. I brushed off the pain and just sat back and..plotted

Auradon, here we come.

Once again a this one is a little longer and I think u am planning to make this one over 2k words but who knows for now here's the updated versions hope y'all like

Happy reading my dear readers ❤️

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