Chapter 1: Magnolia, a warm welcome?

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Sung just exited the gate and the gate started to close.
He noticed that he is in a forest.
He took a deep breath in the new world and realized that it's fill with magic.

Bellion ( in his shadow) : My lord, I feel that the magic level in our area are pretty low in my opinion.

Beru ( in his shadow) : I agree with Grand Marshal Bellion, my liege.

Sung : Thank you for that information, but first let do some scouting.

On cue 100 shadow appear and bows behind him.

Sung : Your mission soldiers is the bring me information from this world and make sure no one see you.

The shadows dispersed rapidly to follow their liege command.

Sung : In the meantime, let go for walk.

When he was walking calmly, he was stopped by Bandits.

Bandit1 : Hey kids, give us your belongings.

Bandit2 : Or it's gonna end, real badly for you.

Sung (smirk) : Are you sure you wanna mess with me.

Beru was ready to tear them into pieces for threatening his lord. But was interrupted, when an old man appear with a girl that look like she has the same age as him. ( Physically, not mentally)

Old man (pissed) : Do you man have no shame, trying to rob and harm a child

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Old man (pissed) : Do you man have no shame, trying to rob and harm a child.

Bandit3: Oye beat it old man if you want to leave with your life.

Sung was surprised, that the old guys would protect him even though they are stranger.
When he looks at the girls, he realized who she was, it's was Cha Hae-In

When he looks at the girls, he realized who she was, it's was Cha Hae-In

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(With a sword on her waist)

Sung couldn't understand why she was here and not in Korea. He was about to talk to her but Igris spoke.

Igris (telepathy) : My liege, I know she looks like one of your previous comrade, but the fact we are in a different world. I think she be a different Cha Hae-In.

Sung agreed with his Marshal.

Bandit4 (whistle) : Hey boy, the girl looks nice what if we all have fun with her, after we kill the boy and the old fart.

Old man(pissed) : You are going to regret this

Cha (angry) : What did you say you bast-

She was cut off when Sung decided to intervene by realising his blood lust.
The bandits were shaking in fear.
The old man and Cha were surprised and a bit scared of his presence.
On cue, Sung dashed and knock the bandits without effort.

Old man: Are you fine young man? ( With a warm smile)

Sung : I'm fine sir.

Cha (small blush) : thank you for defending me against them.

Sung (smiling) : no problem

Cha just blush madly because of his action.

Old man : Well son, my name is Makarov Dreyar, I am Fairy tail current master and this is one of its member Cha Hae-In or Cha for short.

Sung: Hello Mister Dreyar, my name is Sung Jin Woo. Nice to meet you. (Bow in respect)

Makarov: no need to bow son. We just came here to ask you a question?

Sung: Really, what is it?

Makarov: Well at first, we thought that you could use our help but we were wrong and secondly, I want you to join our family, the Fairy tail guild. So what do you said?

Sung was thinking the proposition with his commander and they all agreed to join them to gain new allies and maybe a new family.

Sung: I accept sir.

Makarov (really happy) : Perfect, at this point, I consider you like one of my sons and you can call me gramps of you want.

Sung (smiling) : ok gramps.

Cha was in joy when he joined, because he looks like her age and can help her to deal with the rest of children at the guild.

Gramps: Well let's  go home children.

Sung & Cha : Ok

On their way to the guild, they started to socialize with each other and talk about their magic. Their were surprised when Sung told them that he can only manifest Dagger and could camouflage with anything.
He hides the fact that he is the Monarch of Shadows.

Timeskip at the front of the guild

Gramps: Child are you ready to meet the rest of our family?

Sung : Of course gramps.

He opened the door


Enjoy reading 😊

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