Chapter 2: Meeting and sparring the new family

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As Gramps opened the door to the guild.
Sung noticed that there were a lot of younger kids, and noticed that him, Cha and a blood kid with headphone were the oldest. Everyone stopped and looked at their Guild master.

Gramps: Hello everyone, I got some good news for you.

??? (Natsu) : I hope it food.

??? ( Gray) : Keep dreaming flame Brain.

??? ( Natsu) : What did you said ice princess.

??? (Erza) : stop it you two (hit them)

??? (Lisanna) : Cha nee-san, your back. *Look at Sung* Who are you?

Gramps: That is our good news, everyone our new members of our family Sung Jin Woo, so welcome him the Fairy tail ways.

Everyone were cheering for the new members by drinking and eating a feast.
Everyone introduce themselves to Sung and started to call Sung ni-san. Then Sung sat on the bar to get his mark.

Cha(smiling) : Where do you want your marks Sung?

Sung: On my right chest.*lift his shirt*

Cha was madly blushing at the sight of his trained body.

Cha (still nervous): Ok. *Put stamp while her hands were shaking*

Cha : here you go.

Sung : Thanks.

??? : Yo my name is Laxus and I want to tell that, I am the strongest even though I can sense your magic level.

Sung was surprised, that he could sense his magic.

Erza : Cha nee-san, do you think that it's a good idea for Laxus to challenge Sung ni-san.

Cha : Don't worry Erza, Sung is really strong.

Gramps: Laxus, if you want to be the strongest then prove it.

Laxus : Fine, let go fight outside.

Sung : Sure.

As the went outside. Everyone in the guild follow them to witness the fight.

Natsu : Who Do you think gonna win? I think Laxus will win.

Gray : I think Sung is going to win.

Gramps: Fighters in position.

Laxus was getting in his stand with lightning covering him and Sung was ready with Baruka's Dagger and Knight killer in each of his hand.

Gramps: Begin.

Laxus wasted no time and rushed towards Sung and trys to strike him but Sung managed to parry all his strike with his Daggers.

Laxus (confused): How can block my attack. I'm faster than lightning.

Sung : Well that may be true but sometimes you need to let your instincts take over. Now my turn.

Sung started to counter attack, his daggers disappeared to engage hand to hand combat. He started to boxe Laxus hard, giving jab, hook and uppercut.

Laxus (panting) : Not bad, let go all out in our last hit. *Focused all his lightning in his fist*

Sung(smirk) : Sure. *Activate Rulers authority*

Laxus : Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist.

Then they clash, the field was covered with dust. Everyone jaw just dropped that they have a lot of magic power. Gramps was proud that Laxus started to open up like old time. As the dust clear, they were both standing and were laughing.

Sung : HA, this is the best ways to handle our problem.

Laxus : Your right, this feel awesome. From now on, in my book you and Cha are the only people who I'll respect if you become the next guild master.

Sung : The feeling is mutual, let's call our match a draw.

Laxus : Sure.*looks at Gramps*

Gramps: I declared the match a draw.

Then all of them got back inside the guild.
Sung sat near the bar counter next Laxus and were surrounded by questions.

Cha : Congrats for the draw guys.

Sung & Laxus: Thanks

Erza : Sung ni, you were so cool with your dagger do you think you can give me some tips?

Mirajane : What!? that not fair for our rivalry you gorilla.

Erza (pissed) : What did you say you she-devil.

Cha :*give the two of them, a death glare* What did I say about fighting each other.

Erza & Mira (scared): Sorry for fighting nee-san

Elfman: Laxus ni, I think you were amazing out there.

Natsu : Yeah, I thought you were going to win.

Gray : It's too bad that it ended in a draw.

Laxus : It's normal that I am strong because I need to protect my family and now with Sung by my side to protect you guys, I can relax a bit.

After Laxus statement, Sung felt that he was at home and started to think that everyone in front of him were now his younger siblings.

Sung : I swear in my life that I will protect you guys.

Cha : Me too, if any of you need help just remember that we are here.

Levy & Cana: Of course, Cha nee-san.

Gramps was watching his children bonding with each other and started to cry.

Gramps: I am so lucky to have you guys as my children.

As the day started to end, they all decided to have a sleepover together to spend more time with everybody.


Enjoy reading 😊

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