sun hats and sunken ships

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Olivia woke up to the sound of people chattering outside in her garden and people moving and banging things around her house . Typically she's woken up by her mother's obnoxiously loud knock in the morning that is so unnecessary.

Olivia Roosevelt loved fashion so picking out a nice presentable outfit came easy to her. It was almost as if she could wag her finger around a few clothes and stopped when she liked and she would still pull out a fashionable "kooky" outfit. Sure you would get mocked by pogues for being a kook but Olivia definitely thought it was bias to say it was wrong because she definitely had mocked the pogues and their ways before.

Olivia changed quickly into denim shorts that
had a frill to the end of them with a with a denim crop top that showed cleavage to match. Olivia styled her hair in a up-do bun with two pieces at the side curled. She looked beautiful she always looked beautiful.

As Olivia head downstairs and into the kitchen she nearly got knocked onto the ground by people moving boxes and ornaments around the house from the storm last night. The storm had up rooted everything in the Roosevelt household but Maria Roosevelt would not have her house looking like a dump so instead she hired a ton of people to boss around to clean up

As I looked around my house I whispered to myself. "I wonder what the cut is like"

"What was that via ?", my mother called sitting down reading a magazine,

Who even reads and looks at magazines anymore. I'd rather read a book to be honest

"Nothing mom, so eh what's your plan today to boss people around", I said trying to change the subject

"Don't give me that attitude via I'm in no mood today", my mom said sternly

"Yeah well I'm in no mood today of you" I muttered to myself

"What was that Olivia", my mom practically shouting

I quickly escaped her to sneak off to the Cameron's house . Before closing the door I shouted-

"Bye mom love you too",

As soon I as I entered the Cameron household it was practically the same busy lifestyle with people bustling around everywhere getting the job done for the royal family of outerbanks. As I walked into the house that's when I spotted wheezie walking around the house holding her phone up in the hair wagging it around trying to get signal.

I tugged at her hair before I heard her groan until she spun around and seen me before holding me in a tight hug.

"Livy you don't understand how much I missed you Sarah is a pain in the ass all the time and can you believe this storm and my WiFi's not working and I need a new diary", wheezie said as the words spilled out of her mouth

I raised my eyes in shock. "Slow down wheez everything's fine but a hurricane kinda only happened like last night so good luck trying to get wifi without generators" I shrugged laughing

"Oh yeah dad said something to rafe about buying generators but I wasn't really listening", wheeze said simply

Ward giving money to rafe to get generators oddly weird.

"Anyways have you seen Sarah anywhere we're doing a summer project to protect the mice ", I said with a large grin on my face

"No wonder you guys are friends you's are complete weirdos

"Coming from a person who writes in a diary
I said with a obvious look

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