starring priscilla

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There it was that annual bing on Olivias from Sarah brightening up her room. There was a kegger down at the boneyard set up by the pogues . The one main event that happened at least a few times a year mainly on at the summertime. The boneyard had a unspoken rule that the boneyard was no ones territory not the pogues, kooks, or torouns territory or as Olivia Roosevelt would call it "property". From each side of the island teenagers gathered to get away from society way of life such as the prim and proper lifestyle of a kook, and the hardworking and low income for the pogues. During the kegger and at many parties kooks and pogues would crossbreed as the ultimate kook princess Sarah Cameron would call it knowing it would leave a red faced and annoyed Olivia Roosevelt glaring at her.

"This should be interesting", Olivia sighed at her phone to Sarah's message knowing that something was going to go down at the kegger, considering Rafe Cameron was picking Olivia up at 8 sharp.

Olivia then decided to look through her closet to pick out an outfit to wear to the kegger. Olivia picked a short light mix of a orange and pink dress with a gold hearted locket around her neck, white sandals and her hair pinned up in a half up and half down look.

 Olivia picked a short light mix of a orange and pink dress with a gold hearted locket around her neck, white sandals and her hair pinned up in a half up and half down look

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Just after Olivia plumped up her lips with some strawberry lipgloss she heard the doorbell ring which meant it was Sarah Cameron waiting for her at her front step.

As Olivia ran down the stairs she quickly
made a b line to the door while shouting to her father before leaving.

"Kegger at the boneyard be home soon dad love you bye", Olivia shouted excitedly before opening the front door and exiting.

Just as Olivia spun to face the expected Sarah Cameron she was met of the face of Rafe Cameron instead.

"Rafe ?, I said unexpectedly

"Sarah left early with topper so just you and me ", he said before grabbing my hand and turning on his heels to head to his black jeep.

I mentally cursed Sarah for leaving early with topper I mean what was she thinking leaving me with rafe Cameron knowing fully well he was obessed with me.

The ride to the boneyard was quiet unexpectedly but as soon as we pulled all eyes were on us. As I went to hop out of the jeep I was met with the soft eyes of rafe who held out his hand for me to hold on to while stepping out of his jeep. The outerbanks was always warm but that summer hot breeze hitting your face was something you never got use to.

"You can't understand the outerbanks without understanding the boardwalk it's like a three layer burrito " says John b while looking over the boneyard.

"There's us and our friends. Working class fuckups. From the cut " , says John b while handing beer to a group of pogues

"Then there are the kooks. The rich second homers practically could buy the cut if they wanted to, they are mostly from poncey ass boarding schools our natural enemies", john b said while teasing a kook with beer.
Pogues and kooks passing mutual hatred

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