apologies and spying

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She felt guilty
Not everyday would Olivia Roosevelt wake up and think about John Booker Routledge at half six in the morning, but she couldn't get him out of her mind the next morning. The events of last night played on her mind , her and jjs chat beside the sea, the fight breakout between topper and John b and the worst of all when she had seen jj maybank hold a gun.
She couldn't even eat the next morning without a sticky feeling in her stomach that something bad was going to happen. She wanted to put it right with John b before it was to late and he completely hated her the way same jj does. So she got up out of bed and drove to the cut to where John b lived.

She parked just behind the bushes and before she got out of the car she did a quick once over of herself in the mirror and fixed a loose strand of hair that fell from her glittery headband. She looked to the side of her car and held a muffin basket in her hand to give to him as a gift. As she stepped out of her car she stuck out like a sore thumb, her brand new white convertible was parked and she was dressed in a yellow sundress with white knee high boots that matched with her sparkly headband. As she was walking she hit straight into a branch of course.

"Stupid branch who put that there", she muttered to herself while fixing her headband taht had slightly knocked off her head.

John b had been the first to see Olivia before she has seen him. Of course he was confused on why she was at his house but found it unbelievably funny the way she was so unexposed to nature as she ran straight into a tree. John b could understand the attraction of Olivia. She was a sight that had to be seen.

Olivia marched up the steps with her keys in one hand and a basket of muffins in the other.
John b was sat on the couch with a gnarly purple eye. There was nothing but confusion in why Olivia was here so he just sat there with an amused look on his face.

"Well well well what brings you to the cut", says John b with a smirk adoring his face

"Shut up John b , I'm here to apologise", she said with an appointed look

"For what exactly", he was confused, why was she apologising

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday and about what topper said about your dad it must be really hard for you, and plus it was basically my fault that you nearly drowned like a fish because I didn't take jjs stupid beer", , Olivia said with a genuine look

"Fish can't drowned Olivia", he said with a smile on his face. She gave him a look that said shut up

"But listen thanks for the apology it wasn't your fault what topper said you can't control him and he's not you so",

"Anytime John b , em anyways here's some muffins to try bring some peace from the kooks side", Olivia said cheerily holding up the basket in her hand

"Peace I'm sorry did I hear that right Olivia Roosevelt brings peace , we'll that's a new one"

"Yeah don't cream your pants, later John b ", Olivia said with a stern glare and headed straight back to her car with a kick in her step and the pit feeling of guilt gone

Was she just overthinking , who knew

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