16 | not going anywhere

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A/N: The one where there wasn't going to be any smut but somehow a tiny bit worked its way in there, don't know how that happened...

Content warnings: mentions of AA groups and alcoholism, oral sex (f!receiving)


"I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship."
Little Women, Louisa May Alcott


Bucky closes the living room door and sinks into the couch beside Y/N with an exhausted sigh.

"She really wore you out today, huh?" She giggles beside him. Bucky lifts his arm, inviting her to cuddle up to him. As she snuggles in closer, his whole body relaxes even more.

Between morning sex in the kitchen, helping April reorganise her bookshelf and a whirlwind tour around town, Bucky feels like their first full day in England has been nonstop.

"I nearly fell asleep on her bed." Bucky admits, "had to pry myself out from under her before I accidentally started snoring."

April had insisted on him reading with her. Not to her-

"I'm too old for that, dad. But can you stay and read with me until I fall asleep?" She'd asked with big doe eyes and a pout identical to the one he's seen countless times from Y/N.

And how can Bucky say no to that? So he collected his own book from the spare room and curled up on her little princess bed, feet dangling off the end as she laid on his chest and they read for an hour until she drifted off.

After only a day in their house, Bucky feels settled. It's cosy and quiet and nothing like the constant rush of New York. He gets to see Y/N and April in their usual environment, and he feels so lucky. He doesn't think he'll ever stop feeling lucky.

"So I was thinking," Y/N starts, peering up at him from under his arm. "April has a friend's birthday party and sleepover tomorrow."

Bucky hums in response and presses a kiss to her hairline.

"How would you feel about a trip down memory lane? Venture into the city for a little while? It's just, she's back at school Monday and I really should get to work on writing when that happens so..."

There's that pout.

"I'd love to, pretty girl."

"Really? I know it's been a busy couple of days but I figured things'll calm down once we're back into a routine. I don't want to force you—"

"Sweetheart," Bucky interrupts, he finds leverage around her waist and hauls her onto his lap until her legs fall on either side of his. She lets out a little yelp as she's manoeuvred and Bucky chuckles. He brings his hands to her cheeks, the pads of his thumbs stroking gently over her smooth skin as he kisses her. It's lazy, lips slanting over each other like they've got all the time in the world. Which he supposes they do now. When he pulls away, Y/N whines at the loss of his lips, staring at him wide-eyed and with that fucking pout again. Bucky groans, struggling to hold back as he murmurs his next words while closing in on her mouth again. "I wanna go to London. I wanna find all the places where we made out, and where I took you on dates and where..."

Y/N looks at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue.

"Where?" She whispers, breath tickling over Bucky's lips as her fingers trace over the soft hairs of his beard.

"Where I proposed." He mumbles out, pressing his mouth over hers once more. "You remember?"

"Baby, how could I forget?"

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