21 | yours, mine and ours

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A/N: TWO PARTS LEFT. Also, listen. Did I study music business? Yes. Does that mean I have any idea how a business is run and how shares work? No. The business decisions made by Steve and Bucky in this chapter might not make any sense, idk. It might be literally the worst thing financially that Bucky could do but we're gonna pretend it isn't.

The final chapter and epilogue will be up FRIDAY.

Please don't forget to vote and comment!


"Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."
To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee


Spring is giving way to summer before Bucky feels like he has a solid business plan going. A small list of the UK-based authors on their US roster that they can transfer over to new territory publishing deals whilst also keeping their US deals, a whole bunch of financial forecasts and potential office space on hold.

He's worked really hard. There have been many late nights and early mornings so he can video call with Steve or take meetings with their financial manager, putting a contingency in place if Steve rejects Bucky's business plan. It's been a lot, but he has a solid starting base now, no matter which way it goes.

It's nearly midnight by the time he finalises everything and saves the document. He has a meeting with Steve tomorrow, amidst what will already be an overwhelming day.

"How's it going?"

Y/N leans on the doorframe, a sleepy smile on her face. She said she was going to wait up for him but he thought he'd find her asleep on the couch when he was done. Instead, she's holding two glasses of non-alcoholic sparkling Prosecco with a shine in her eyes to match.

"Just finished up, thought you'd be asleep by now. Big day tomorrow," he replies, pushing back from the desk. Y/N saunters towards him, the soft hue of the lamp catching on her silk plum-coloured pyjamas as she stops and hands him one of the glasses.

"Netflix kept spewing episodes of New Girl at me, kept me awake. That, and I'm too nervous to sleep."

"It's your first publication day, you're allowed to be nervous," Bucky says softly. He reaches his hand out, fingers grasping hers as he pulls her to his lap. "But your book is great and the marketing team have outdone themselves with the campaign. You're gonna be a bestseller, pretty girl."

"Hmm, don't speak too soon."

Bucky takes a sip of his drink, the bubbles fizzing on his tongue. The sensation is strangely foreign despite the fact that he drinks soda like it's water. Plus, he can't say he ever drank for the taste, at least not in recent years, but even he can tell the alcohol-free stuff just isn't the same.

"It's gonna be great, you're going to sell so many copies and everyone's gonna be raving about you, sweetheart. Trust me." Bucky winks, placing his glass on the desk. He takes Y/N's from her and sets it down beside his.

"C'mere," he whispers.

"I'm already on your lap, I can't get much closer."

"No, turn around." Bucky laughs, "just hook your leg over."

"How flexible do you think I am?"

Bucky raises an eyebrow, lips pulled into a devilish smirk.

"I don't know, but I'm very much up for finding out?"

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