MORE lps customs, featuring my pride and joy.

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hhhhHHAWLUCHA KITTY HAWLUCHA KITTY, pride and joy number one, (though to be fair this was also made when I was twelve.. still doesn't take away from Hawlucha's majesty though. Here it is next to its muse (the green on the cat is NOT THAT DARK I swear 😭)

 Here it is next to its muse (the green on the cat is NOT THAT DARK I swear 😭)

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(ignore the cracking plumage up above. it's been two years since the poor cat had any maintenance..)
Hawlucha's been my go to favorite Pokémon for so long, so of course I had to pay homage to it in lps form.

only my hardcore my singing monsters fans will recognize this comedic character.. it's pride and joy #2, slapoda!!

 it's pride and joy #2, slapoda!!

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this. custom. took DAYS. while technically in total he only took twelve hours of back breaking labor, I had to set up a schedule every time I wanted to work on it so I wouldn't lose my momentum. if only my artistic mojo was as prominent as it was then..
this character is absolutely not mine. he belongs to the wonderful Mantisgirl (whose music you NEED to go listen to right now right now right now go sub to her:

and of course, my first complete battle cats themed custom (and just in time for summer, too..) it's Seashore Kai!! might remaster her in the future. (And a Sirius photobomb..)

and here's allll the customs so far that I've made and COMPLETED!

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and here's allll the customs so far that I've made and COMPLETED!

and here's allll the customs so far that I've made and COMPLETED!

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from left to right, you've got.. sirius (oc), Hawlucha (pokemon,), slapoda (Fanon My Singing Monsters, is that even the right term???) and Seashore Kai (Battle Cats) ^~^

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