Johnny Cade.

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I entered the freezing cold room where johnny said to meet him. "J-johnny?" I said while shivering. "Y/n? Are you okay?" Johnny said while turning on a old flickering light. "Ye-es..Why did we have to come here? Its freezing!" I uncomfortably say. "I know- im sorry. there was no where else to g-go!" He responded shyly. "We can go to my house? Steve is staying at Ponyboys house and my mom left to go see my aunt out of state!" I said promptly hoping he agrees cus its fucking freezing! "That would be alot b-better! lets go now-" johnny says as he softly pushes me out the door where is suddenly gets less cold.

We walk a block to my house and I unlock the door with a secret key under my mom's favorite plant. I get in the house and instantly run up the stairs to my room giggling.

"H-Hey! Y/n, where you going?!" Johnny exclaims as he runs after me up the stairs. J run into my room, leaving the door open a bit so Johnny will follow me in there. "Y/n! you crazy girl." he says while chuckling. "Hehe" "What are you giggling about, Cutie?" I turn to him confused. "What?" "I-uh i meant-" he stuttered. "I- i mean, its okay Johnny! Chill." i said as i grabbed his hand for reassurance. "O-okay."

"So, what did you wanna do anyway?" i ask. "I- uh....well- its kinda-" he struggles as i decide to ask- "You wanna fuck me?" His face turns red trying to hide a little smirk following my sentence. "I- uh...N-no? I mean..-" i giggle at his struggling sentences. "so you do?" i tease him. He plays with his hair and gives me a half-smirk look.

 He plays with his hair and gives me a half-smirk look

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"Its silly-" he blurted. "No its not, really johnny. If you really want to- We can..." His breath gets faster and he doesnt know what to say. "Johnny?" He kisses me. I push him on the bed and crawl ontop of him. "Y-y/n-!" i see his face turning red as i realize im sitting on his dick. I was gonna say something until the door swung open.

Steve was standing in the doorway "STEVE GET OUT!!" i yell "WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING!?" He yells back. i quickly get off of johnny having him sit up. "Listen i- im sorry steve ill go-!" johnny says. "Hell no you wont! Youre gonna explain what you were doing to my kid sister." Steve says angrily "Steve! It was me not him- Just get out!!" I say annoyed. I run up and push him out the door and lock it. "YOU BETTER UNLOCK THIS DOOR NOW LITTLE GIRL!" "GO AWAY STEVE NOW!!! IM OLD ENOUGH TO DO WHAT I WANT!" God wont he leave me alone-!

Ten minutes pass by and he finally stop trying to get into my room. I open the door and see johnny sitting a little confused. "You okay Johnny?" "yea-ah i just. its my fault i should've never came here. I have to go.." "O..oh, okay. bye johnny." Johnny walks out of the door, giving me a little kiss on the cheek. Once i see Johnny walk out the door i yell "FUCK YOU STEVE!" He comes out of the kitchen and gives me the death stare followed by,- "What was i outta to do when i see a boy in my 15 year old sisters room?!" "NOT BE A LITTLE BITCH! WE WERENT DOING ANYTHING." I yell while crossing my arms. "You were sittin' on his dick thats what you were doin'." he said with a stern face. "I-I didnt know okay! I just- i like johnny okay!-"

He narrows his eyes and stares at me then walks out of the house. "Well shit." i say in a empty house. "I guess im alone again."

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