Part 2

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I walk through the automatic doors of the hardware store, and start to look around until I see the teal eyes of a boy no older than 21 (me being no older than 25) he has brown hair and apparently works there, I see my girl friend Petra walk up behind me, I put my arm around her and kiss her, when I kiss her it doesn't feel quite right, like I waiting for something or someone. When I kissed her I swear the teal eyed boy looked hurt.

A girl with brown hair tied back in a pony tail eating a potato comes up to great us, but is pushed out of the way by the teal eyed boy.

Did he recognize me? I need to know. "Hello!" I say as brightly as I can "I'm Eren, what are you buying today?" My voice shaking and my face blushing.

"Um a potted plant for our new house" he says. I almost melt to my knees, his voice as calm as ever just like I remember it, but wait what did he say "our new house", "OUR" hell no he's mine.

I hid those feelings deep in side me and lead them over to the potted plants. As they talk about witch plant would look best in there bedroom. "WHY IS HE WITH HER" I scream internally, a single tear rolls down my face.
"I guess he really doesn't remember me" I whisper.

"Are you ok?" says Petra kindly.
"I guess you don't remember too" I break in to a crying fit on the floor like someone bursts a dam welled up inside me. Petra being the kind woman she always is hugged me.....

"Ouch!" I whimpered as Petra cleaned my face "you have to stay still if you want me to clean that cut of yours" she said as she kindly smiled. I had hurt my self in a training accident and she had volunteered to help patch me up. Levi bursts in to the door of the infirmary, "Eren! are you ok?!" He yelled hugging me. "I'm fine Heicho" I sighed and hugged him back, a smiled slowly spreading like the flu. "Good I don't know what I could do with out you"...

I get up slowly, breaking from Petra's grasp. "I'm so sorry" I try too speak as calmly as I can "So what plant do you want to buy?" I say as I smile through tears. They pick out the cutest baby blue flowers, they say it matches the walls perfectly.

"I can take them over hear" Annie yells from one of the registers, looking a board as ever. "Well I hope you have a good day" I say wiping the last of my tears.
"I hope you feel better!" Petra waves
"see ya around" Levi says, I smile a little more when he says that.

"It's ok Eren" Micasa try's to hug me but I push her away
"HE DOESN'T KNOW ME! ITS NOT OK HE WILL NEVER LOVE ME NOW!" I scream as I pound my fist on the table of the break room "he doesn't know me" I whimper as I cry into my hands.
"You're soul mates I'm sure you'll fall in love" Armin said quietly.
"But he already has a soul mate, Petra." I whisper though my hands, I got up and wiped my eyes.
Gathering all my stuff Im ready to go out the door when Armin says "want me to come check up on you later?"
"I'm good thanks" I try to smile but nothing happens.

Hello I will try to post as much as I can! Also I do not hate on LevixPetra I think it's a fine ship it's just not my OTP.
What wall would you live behind?

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