Part 4

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I hear a loud knocking at the door, who could that be its 11? I was still up watching anime... I'm an otaku... I crack open the door to find a nervous Hechio.
"Hey Eren remember me, well I was wondering if I could crash here for the night." He says nonchalantly.
"Uh... Sure, wait a min-" I shut the door in his face and scramble to get the place spotless, I know how Hechio hates trash. I open the door to find the impatient Corporal. "You can come in now" I say my face practically burning up.
"Don't mind if I do" he says rolling his eyes, when he steps thorough the door a look of horror crosses his face. "HOW CAN YOU LIVE HERE!!" He screams, for being humanity's strongest he sure had a weakness for dirt...

"If I even see a speck of dust when I get back You will feel something worse than death" That replayed in my mind as I cleaned the old castle and I had the worst job, to clean the bathroom in Levi's room. "Hey Eren! Levi's coming back!" Hanji whispered hurriedly before running off. "Oi brat how's th- OH MY GOD! YOU CALL THIS CLEAN!!!!"...

"Oi Eren can I clean your house for you?" He says glaring up at me.
"Oh.. Um.. Sure" I go back to my couch, curl up in my blankets and continue to watch my show slowly falling asleep to the sound of Corporal cleaning.

When every thing was clean it was about 2 in the morning and by that time Eren had fallen asleep, hes so cute when he sleeps.... Brain I know we find him attractive but is he adorable in everything he does? Definitely not his cleaning habits. I pick him up, carry him to his bed and lay him down on his newly fluffed pillows. When I was sure he was asleep I kiss his forehead gently, then ran out to the couch to sleep.

I awake to the smell of pancakes and bacon... wait PANCAKES AND BACON?! I sit up straight like a wall. "Well I see your up" I look to see the brat in the cutest apron ever, it's white with frills and has a little black cat on it, I turned red as a rose.
"Uh yeah... So... What kind of pancakes are those?"
"Blueberry your favorite" he smiled, flipping the last of them and bringing them to the table. I practically run to the table and start scarfing them down.
"So how come you know so much about me?" I say eating the last bite of bacon.
"Like I told you I knew you in a past life, we used to be boyfriends." He says the last part quietly and sadly.
"So what are your plans for the day?" I say quickly changing the subject.
"Well today is my day off so I was just going to stay home but sense your here I don't know" This brat is too cute.
"I know this really great amusement park if you want to go there, but I'm not really into that-"
"Can we please go! Please!" He says his eyes lighting up like teal fireworks.
"Fine brat, but your paying." I have a dull expression on my face, but for the first time in a long while I was happy for the day ahead.

Thank you so much for the reads!

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