Part 3

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"Hey, Petra I'm going out!" I yell to the other side of the new apartment, its a nice apartment with beautiful baby blue walls, big windows and the fluffiest carpets in the city.

"Where are you going?" She responds,
"Just over to the Wall Rose it's a coffee shop that I want to check out" And with that I was off, I was walking down Titan St. looking at my EyeBook feed when I bump into someone. I feel a hot liquid on my chest.

"Omgimsosorry" the boy says his words slur together. I look up to see who it is, of course it's the teal eyed brat, Eren, from yesterday blushing like a mad man, he spilled coffee all on my nice new blue button down shirt, I tore it right off (I had a black shirt underneath you perv) and started back to my house to change when the tall boy stopped me.
"Hey let me make it up to you I'll buy you some coffee" he smiles, still blushing.
"Fine, brat" I sigh.

After we had ordered, black tea for me and a mocha for the brat, we sat down at a round wooden table by the window. The coffee shop is quite small, but very pleasant with flowers on every table, there are not many people there witch made it even more enjoyable. The boy sits down starring at his cup blushing and nervous, he is wearing a green hoodie that match his beautiful teal eyes, wait.... Did I say beautiful?
"My names Eren if you didn't get it before" there was a sad look in his eyes, it was kind of adorable.... Wait adorable?....
"My names Levi" I say coldly like I usually do.
He smiles a bit I can see he's fighting tears "I know we've meet before".
"I don't remember telling you my name?" I say inquisitively considering I never told him my name yesterday.
He leans his head on his hand and looks off into space as if remembering a distance memory, it was cute... I just meet this guy how can fall In love with him already?
Frowning slightly he says "Let's just say I met you a long time ago in far off land filled with high walls."
"Were we like Romeo and Juliet having to cross them to see each other?" I say a slight smirk on my face.
He almost bursts out laughing when I say this. "Wow you've changed a lot, before you were like "Eren clean everything!" and way less flirt-"

I stop him with a kiss, a long sweet kiss, I don't know why I did it I just did, it felt different from when I kissed Petra, It felt real. I got up and ran home not saying a world to the now speechless and flustered brat.

I open the door to find Petra crying on the couch, "honey, what's wrong?" I say soothingly.
"I saw you. I saw you kissing that boy! This is the last straw! First it was that woman Hanij and NOW HIM! GET OUT!" She yells, I'm speechless I just grab my phone and leave. (A/N this is not the last you will hear of Hanij😏)

It was night and it was starting to get cold, I wonder what I should do. Should I go back or stay at a hotel? I don't know. Wait what if I could find Eren? Or is he mad that I kissed him? Is he straight? Oh god too many questions.
I start to walk around the park in the middle of the night. I know I'm creepy but all the benches are dirty, who knows who sat there?
I walk down Yeager St. Huh that sounds strangely familiar. Until I see a apartment building.

One of the names read "Eren Knight", it's worth a shot.
Wow, a lot happens in this chapter!
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