Chapter 19

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Maybe it was the adrenaline rushing in jisung's body that made him so confident ...
It was all his pent up frustrations and sadness which he kept inside him that was pouring out now ...and now when he was given the chance to make his sufferings and pain gone, he didn't want to miss it ...he was crying ...but this time it was not because of pain was tears of happiness .. happiness that he felt when he saw his bully crying in pain this moment nothing matters to him ...
He didn't care of he will be suspended from uni ..he didn't care if his parents will be called ..he didn't care that his own knuckles were bruised and were bleeding because of the hard hits ...

He just felt satisfaction which he was craving for when he heard the painful screams of Kai ...the way he was begging him to stop ...he was happy that today the tables have turned and it was not himself but Kai who was in pain misery ...

Finally after seeing that Kai was almost on the verge of passing out, he stood up and slowly went near Taehyung and hugged him tightly and wailed loudly ..

"T.thank you ..thank you so much ...i.if you d.didnt encourage me ..I w.wouldn't be able to this ...
Thank for helping ..." Jisung said between his cries and Taehyung tried his best to comfort him ...

"Shh's ok ..he deserves it ...I am happy I could help you ..." Taehyung said ...

He was feeling proud ...for the first time in his life , he felt as if he achieved something ...he was feeling immense happiness bubbling up in his heart ...

'so this is what it feels to help others ..' Taehyung thought to himself and smiled a little ...

Jisung pulled back from the hug and Taehyung finally looked at the people of who were still standing there and trying to digest everything that happened seconds ago ...

"Umm ..I ..want to apologise to you all ...I know I have been nothing but an asshole with you ...I also used to bully many people ...I didn't do anything harsh but still it was bullying and I am ashamed of myself for those acts ...but please try to forgive me if possible ...I promise you that I will never do anything bad anymore ...
Please forgive me if you can ..." Taehyung said and looked at everyone with pleading eyes and that's when his eyes met those big bambi eyes which always makes his heart beat escalate ...he was looking at those eyes with his soft brown pleading eyes .. silently asking him to forgive his foolishness...he could hear people telling him different things like ' it's ok ' ...' we forgive you ' ... But his eyes were only on Jungkook who oh so softly smiled at him with adoration and slowly walked away ...

That's it ...this was enough for Taehyung to know that he earned the forgiveness of his bunny ...he was so overwhelmed with happiness that a tear of joy slipped away from his eyes ...but he wiped it before anyone could see it...

" Thank you for forgiving me ..." Taehyung said to all the people and then they all start to move away after giving a smile to Taehyung ...
Taehyung stared at the way Jungkook went to and decided to look for him...
He didn't knew why but his feet automatically started to move towards the rooftop and his instinct was correct because Jungkook was standing their as usual... leaning on the railing and enjoying the light breeze ...

"Oh you came ...I was waiting for you..." Jungkook said and turned towards Taehyung was looking like he was caught doing something wrong red handedly ...

"How you know that I came ...and ..were .. waiting for me ?Me.!!! " Taehyung asked in daze making Jungkook chuckle ...

" Yes ..I knew you would come here ...anyways ... congratulations on finally opening up .." jungkook said and went near Taehyung ...

"Umm..yeah ..
Actually ..I ..I wanted to thank you for everything know ..if you didn't confront me ..I would have never got out of these things thank you for saving me ..." Taehyung said while scratching his nape nervously ...

Jungkook softly smiled and put his warm plam on Taehyung's left cheek where he slapped and caressed it gently ...

"I am happy that I could help you ...and I am sorry for hitting you so hard. ..I will not say that I didn't mean to slap you ..I did ..and at the moment I wanted to hit you more but anyways that you have understood your mistake I am happy I could help..."Jungkook said and chuckled when he saw the horrified face of Taehyung who covered both of his cheeks immediately, protecting it with wide eyes blinking rapidly ...

"It's time for class .. let's go ..." Jungkook said and placed the tip of his index finger on the top of Taehyung's nose bridge and traced it with his finger slowly and lovingly till the nose tip and smilingly walked past Taehyung who turned to look at his retreating figure with red face ..too flustered from jungkook's previous action ...
He slowly touched his own nose ..he could still feel jungkook's baby soft fingers on his nose and squealed loudly ...

"I don't know what you are doing to me ..but whatever it is ...I am loving it..." Taehyung muttered still keeping his finger on his own nose and smiled widely ...


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