Chapter 36

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It's your girl's birthday today 🥳🎉🎂

It was 11:30 at night when Jungkook went somewhere and he didn't tell anyone where he was going one even knew that he was out of his house ...
After driving his car for sometime, he finally reached his destination and got out of the car ...
He looked at the huge building that was infront of him and took out his phone for dialling someone's no.

"Hello ...who's this ?" The person on the other side of the phone said in a sleepy tone ...

"It's me ...come outside your campus gate ...I am waiting ..." Jungkook said and his voice was enough for that person to snap out of his sleepy state ...

"I am coming ..." That person said and hung up ...

After just a few minutes, that person sneaked out of the building and saw Jungkook who was standing while leaning on his car wearing a cap and mask,covering his face ...

" Why do you always come at this time ? Do you know how hard it is to sneak out because of that stupid bitch of a warden ? She is always at our head to check who is doing what ..." That person grumbled but jungkook just gave him a bored look ...

"Yeah that everyone gets to know that you are meeting me right?? are so smart ..." Jungkook said sarcastically making that person shut up in embarrassment ...

" Enough with these stupid talks tell me the news about him..." Jungkook said ...

"Ok ..
His girlfriend broke up with him two weeks ago and he is seen with six different girls after that ...and h..ahh. ." that person was cut off by his own scream of fear when jungkook moved his hand as if he will slap him. ..

" think yourself to be too smart don't you ? I will give you a tight slap, you will get your brain back ...
These are the things I told you last time ...give me the real news junho. .." jungkook said in rage ...

"Yeah ..I am telling you. ..last week I saw a girl coming out of his room ...her dress looked a little torn ..and she had some bruises around her neck and arms and some on her face ...she was also crying and limping a bit too much ..." That person, now known as junho said and jungkook frowned ...

" Who was the girl ? Do you know her ?" Jungkook asked ..

" Umm I do know her ...but you know ...I am a hungry little young man and I need some energy to keep me moving I was thinking if you could feed me something ..." Junho said while rubbing his thumb and index finger with each other indicating money...
Jungkook looked at his face with his blank sharp eyes and then at his fingers and then again at his face and smirked under his mask which was not visible to junho ...

"Hmm are too hungry I see ...let's feed you then, shall we ?" Jungkook said and put his hand behind him ...junho thought he was taking out his wallet from his back pocket so he got excited ...but when he saw what jungkook took out, his smiled dropped and he stumbled in his steps ...
It was a gun .. jungkook's favourite gun which he likes to call as his 'baby' ...


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(Ahh ...this is such a beauty ✨...I am a simp for guns, pistols and cars...anyone else??🤔)

" Now let's fill up your little young tummy with my bullets ...I promise they are damn tasty ....everyone who got to taste them became speechless and breathless ...I bet you will also like it ..." Jungkook said while twirling his baby in his hands making junho gulp ...

"W.why are you getting angry...I will tell you everything without any of these. ..and I am not hungry ...I am too full the point I will not eat for the next two days...I am full ..." Junho said in one flow in nervousness and with an awkward forced smile and nodding his head to prove his point ...

"Hmm .. thought so tell me ...who was that girl ?..." Jungkook asked while he tucked the gun back in his waist belt ...

"Her name is Ellie ...she shifted here 4 months ago and lives in the next street ..." Junho said ...

"Shifted here 4 months ago you say??
Hmm..that means she still doesn't know much people here least not too well ..." Jungkook concluded ...

"Where can I find her ?" Jungkook asked ...

"I don't know for sure but she jogs in morning in the nearest park ..." Junho said ...

"But you said last week she was badly injured ..then how come you saw her jogging in the park ? you are not making up stories right? Because if you are, I promise you that before catching the bastard I will kill you with my bare hands and no one will ever find your don't dare to bluff anything to me ..." Jungkook warned in a cold voice ...

"NO ...I mean no ..I am not lying ...I even saw her the day before yesterday ...she still had some slight bruises ...though they were not too visible because of her oversized hoodie but when she was streching, he hoodie lifted up and I saw some wounds and marks...." Junho defended himself ...

"And the bruises on her face ? What about them ?were they still there ?" Jungkook asked ...

"I don't know whether they were there or not...she was wearing too much makeup...I mean who wears red lipstick while jogging ..ewww ...that's why I said too much makeup. .." junho said and made a weird face when he remembered how Ellie was looking in oversized hoodie and red bright lipstick ...

"Hmm ..You are doing a good job huh ...thanks ...keep your eyes open just like this until I tell you to ok ..or else don't forget that night when I caught you whil .." Jungkook was cut off by junho ...

"Yeah yeah ..I will not forget ..." Junho almost yelled ...

"You can leave now ...go " Jungkook said and junho practically ran off ...

'your first helper will be out of the way very very soon Songhyun prepared ...
Count your happy days until they last Choi Minho coz from tomorrow my target will be just you ...' Jungkook thought as with a deadly smirk while he removed his mask revealing his gorgeous face ...

He leaned back on his car and took out a cigarette out of his pocket, put it his mouth and lit it up with a lighter and took a long puff of it ...he closed his eyes and sighed when the familiar bitter taste of the smoke hit his tongue ....

(Don't smoke's very very bad for health ok?..)

"Now let the game begin ..." Jungkook said still with that dangerous hot smirk as he slowly opened his eyes looking straight at nothing in particular ...the white smoke passing out of his parted pink lips slowly and mixing with the surroundings as he spoke in his deep serious voice ...


Nothing can beat the way Jungkook smirks while using his satoori accent and his sexy deep voice ...fight me 😤

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