Chapter 25

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Plz read, vote and comment on these chapters again ...if you don't know,my previous ones are gone as I had to republish this book because of wattshit suddenly decided to mess up with the sequence of the chapters in this book and now I have to do everything from the start ...
Plz read, vote and comment again ..🙏🙏🥺🥺


Jungkook told one of his teammates to take jisung to his boss and he himself went with the chancellor of the uni so that he can explain everything that happened a while ago ...of course after changing his shirt ...

He came out of the chancellor's room after approximately 1 hour after the entire explanation and was met with Taehyung who was leaning his back on the wall with folded hands and was looking at him with an expression which screamed ' explain everything ' ...Jungkook sighed and took his phone out and he dialled someone's no.

"Did you take him in custody ?...
What did boss say?...
Hmm all are done there right? ...
Ok good, then meet me at my house ...everyone should be there ..." Jungkook said on the call and turned to Taehyung again ...

"Come with me ..." Jungkook said and Taehyung followed but he was confused when he saw they were walking towards his own car ...

"Why are we going towards my car ?" Taehyung asked ...

" Maybe because we are going to my place and I don't have my car .." Jungkook said sarcastically and rolled his eyes making Taehyung look away awkwardly ..
They got inside the car and drove off to Jungkook's house ...

After some time the reached their destination and went inside and Jungkook saw all of his teammates sitting in the living room along with Jin...
And Taehyung was just looking at them with wide eyes and parted mouth ...he couldn't believe his eyes ...

"What happened ? Why did you suddenly call us here ?" A team member asked ...

"You all may know him already but let me introduce him again ...he is Kim Taehyung and he studies in the same uni...
We were kinda close to each other and he wants explanation about whatever happened today ...and I think he has the rights to know about us...
That's why I brought him here so that we can tell our identities to him ..." Jungkook said

"And how can you be sure that he won't disclose our identities to anyone else ? How can we trust him?" Another member asked ...

"The same way I trusted you along with your boyfriend also do many things which still gives me the urge to shoot you even after so many days but I still trust you that you will not fuck up I don't think you should have problem with me telling a reliable person like him about our identity .." Jungkook said making the member's mouth shut ...

"Taehyung close your mouth and go sit down ..." Jungkook said to Taehyung who was still standing with wide eyes and gaping mouth ...

" first of all let me clear it ...if you are thinking that we do some kind of bad things then you are wrong ...we work to catch those culprits who are not cought by the government or police because of their power and money ...
We all are working as team since the past 2 and a half years and we are currently given a mission to catch a drug dealer who shifted here from busan some months ago ...we all are the members of the team named 'The Black Swans'...

Ok let's start with ourselves ...

this is Kim Yugyeom ...also known as Cinder ...he is known for his combat skills ...and as his names suggests, he looks harmless like ash but once you touch him, your hand will burnt to the core ...his speciality is using knives ... " Jungkook started and yugyeom nodded his head...

"This is Kim Namjoon ...also known as RM already know him as by brother's boyfriend ,I guess ...he is the brain of the group ...he has the highest IQ and makes the plan for our missions ..." Jungkook said and Taehyung nodded ..

" This is Min Yoongi ...also known as Sin ...he is the sniper of the group ...and it's his record that he has never ever missed his target ..." Jungkook pointed at another one ...

"This is Park Jimin ...also known as Falcon ...just like a falcon, he is really fast with his actions ...he loves to learn new things and that's why he knows how to use almost all kinds of weapons ...he has great communications skills as well and he can lure anybody which makes him the seducer of the group ...he lures people in our trap and kills them once the work is done ...he is good at hacking too... also he is yoongi's boyfriend ... " Jungkook said ...

"Woah ..." Taehyung said amazed and Jimin flipped his imaginary hair ...

"But as I said earlier he also does things which are prohibited during the missions along with his boyfriend which pisses me off and that makes him irresponsible as well ...not to mention his carelessness also ..." Jungkook said when he saw Jimin's actions completely ignoring the deadly glare he received from his shorter male ...

" He is Jung Hoseok ...also known as ...

Jk ...
The name comes from his name itself ...J from Jung and k from Hoseok ...he is the newest member of our group ... extremely skilled with guns and knives ...also an excellent hacker..." Jungkook said and this time Taehyung turned towards Hoseok with an unreadable expression making him laugh awkwardly ...
When he entered the house, he was surprised to see the others but when his eyes fell on his hobi hyung, he was shocked ...
And now when he heard the truth he was taking sometime to digest it ...first he saw his love beating someone brutally in the morning and now hobi hyung is also a part of the whole thing...this is too much for the poor boy to take in...

"And hey ...I am Jeon Jungkook ...also known as The Lucifer ...the leader of this group ..." Jungkook dropped the bomb and Taehyung was sure that this was all a dream ...this can't be true way this is true ...this has to be a joke ...


Hey my soft fluffy bunnies ❣️
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