Coming out 2 - B.B (MascReader)

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WARNINGS: Mention of homophobia?

SUMMARY: Bucky finds out you like him, so you come out to him. But the truth is, he's hiding a secret too.

A/N: Since its now pride month, I wanted to make an imagine of you coming out to Bucky. A little reminder that Bucky was born in 1917, and same sex relationships weren't as accepted as they are now. However, this is my imagine and I think Bucky would be extremely accepting and love you no matter what. In this particular imagine, you confess your feelings for Bucky and realise he feels the same.

*Your POV*

"Y/N, hurry up!" A voice called. You quickly tied your shoelaces and raced out the door, heading towards the voice. It was Wanda's, of course. You ran through the hallway, and around the corner to the main area where Wanda was sitting. Upon arrival, you noticed Bucky was also there. "Finally." She groaned, standing up and walking over to you. You refused to make eye contact with Bucky as you swiftly grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the room. As soon as you got in the car, you let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding. "What was that?" Wanda questioned, raising her eyebrows at you.

"What was what?" You asked, trying to move on from the subject.

"Whatever just happened in there." 


"With Bucky." Her brows furrowed in confusion. You started up the car engine and began pulling out of the garage.

"It was nothing." You replied, turning your head to see behind you as you reversed. Wanda could tell you were lying. In fact, she had suspected you had had a thing for Bucky for a while. 

"You like him, don't you?" She asked. Your foot immediately slammed against the breaks, causing a loud screeching sound as the car came to a swift stop. Wanda gasped, not expecting the sudden movements. 

"No!" You protested, turning to look at the passenger sitting next to you. She raised one of her eyebrows at you and titled her head slightly, signalling that she knew that was a lie. "Fine! I like him!"

"Oh my gosh!" She giggled. You turned back to face the road in front of you and started moving the car again. The two of you continued to talk about your little crush on Bucky Barnes as you drove to your destination.


When you got home, you went straight to the shower to clean up before dinner while Wanda gravitated back towards the living room area. She sat across from Bucky on one of the couches, and pulled out a magazine to read. As she flipped through the pages, she noticed Bucky staring at her. "You good, Barnes?" She asked, placing her magazine down against her lap. 

"Did you notice something different about Y/N?" He asked, confusion crossing his face. 

"Oh yeah! He like totally has a crush on you." She said, not even thinking. She quickly pulled her magazine back up and began reading it again before realising what she had just done. She gasped and slapped her palm against her mouth. 

"What?" Bucky questioned. He looked taken aback and shocked. 

"Oh no! I- I didn't mean that!" She lied as she dropped the magazine down to her lap once more. "I was just kidding, obviously!"


"Just a joke! Hahaha!" She laughed nervously, looking around the room to see if anyone else heard her mistake.

"Wanda!" Bucky called, breaking her from her nervous spell. "What did you just say?"

"I- I-"

Suddenly, you walked back into the room and flopped beside Wanda on the couch, without even realising Bucky was there. When your eyes caught him, you jumped to sit up in your seat. You looked at Bucky, and then at Wanda. Wanda looked like she had just seen a ghost. "Whats going on?" You said slowly, looking between the two of them. 

"You like me?" Bucky asked, standing up from his spot on the couch. You immediately jumped to your feet. 

"What! What? No! Huh?" You yelled back defensively, trying to think of what to say next. You turned to face Wanda, who was frozen. Your breathing grew faster, and your palms began to sweat. You gulped nervously knowing there was no way out of this. Bucky just stared at you, unsure of what to say. "Fine, yes. I do. I-"

"What!" Bucky yelled, taking a step back. In this moment you realised you had ruined it all. Bucky warn born in a way earlier time to you, and grew up raised by different beliefs. Though it was no excuse for homophobia, it did make him more likely to be it. Bucky began pacing back and forth, his breathing ragged. At this point, you had no idea what to say to him. Bucky took a long deep breath as he sat himself back down on the couch and looked at you. "Look,"

"No, Bucky, I should just go-"

"Listen. Just listen to me!" He said firmly. You sat down on the couch across from him. His mouth opened in an attempt to say something, but no sounds were made. He paused and thought to himself for a moment before speaking. "Look, the truth is," He started. "When I'm around you, I just get this feeling and," Your eyes flickered up to meet his, but his fell to the floor. "I don't really understand it."


"And I'm sorry for how I just reacted, I just got scared." He interrupted, looking up from the floor. Your eyes locked with his. "I was scared because I think I feel the same way." You breathed a sigh of relief as a wave of butterflies flew around inside your stomach. He stood up and moved to sit beside you on the couch. You now realised that Wanda was gone. She must have left quietly while you were staring at Bucky. You both turned into each other, and he held out his hand to grab yours. "I think I really like you, Y/N." He said.

"I think I really like you too, Bucky." You replied. You looked into each others eyes for a moment, before the tension between the two of you pulled you closer together and your lips locked. It was a small and gentle kiss. His lips gently pressed against yours and a wave of intense emotions flashed between both of you. It felt good, it felt right. You were happy, and so was he. It felt like a weight had been lifted off both of your shoulders. 

In that moment, no other feeling could compare. The two of you slowly pulled apart. Your eyelashes fluttered, as you looked up at him and he smiled. 


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