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I already started this one it's an origanal story and it is a bit dark, I'll show you the start this is all I have written, and I wrote it a good two years ago lol

"Just a moment," they said. Nothing could be seen it was surrounding us with dark, so dark it felt, unreal as if it was not truly dark "So," the young hero asked, "What are you doing?""Magic," the winged person said a hint of sarcasm in their tone"Oh," he looked around trying to make out anything. Movement, colors, anything that could help."HA" suddenly a burst of angry light flooded the room. What was the name of the foreign color? Once so common now so rare."What's that?" the young hero said with a puzzled look, his face now illuminated with the strange color."Like I said" pausing to put the light closer to the young heroes face "Magic""Oh" A feeling of stupidity arose in him, they had told him. They walked further down the tunnel, A feeling of dread coursing through his veins. Was this the right choice? Could it even save him? No there was no reason to be negative, this had to work if it didn't....He looked up at the cave ceiling now illuminated with an angry spectrum of light and he could see the crystals there."Watch out!!" a sharp pain suddenly pushed the young hero over. Looking he saw that the hooded figure he had been traveling with had pushed him out of the way just fast enough to avoid getting killed by a large blade, as well as the fact that for a moment the light had turned white and black at the same time"What was that?" The young hero was met with silence."Why is it that color?" the young hero looked at it releasing only now that it had changed"Which one?" the bird person spoke"The one that looks mad?""Red, the color is called red" the masked figure spoke, once more answering but not the one he was looking for "Why is it like that?""My...e...motions""What did you say?""My emotions." they grimaced at the word"What is red for? Anger?" the young hero said with a small trace of disgust "Quinn""Maybe love" he continued not hearing the clocked person or ignoring them it was not easy to tell"Quinn!""That would be priceless you in love""QUINN!" Quinn looked up at the cloaked figure"What could be so strong is this constant," Quinn's eye's challenging the person to do something more "and how do you know my name?""Red is for pain"

Quinn XeNo reason I just like the nameqXD(he is the one who can make anyone smile)Feb13(????in other words I have not made an established time period)Age; 18(16)5'6Sort of fem yet strong buildSharp featuresRed when magic use so brown is almost black otherwiseCaramelHas a large slash across his back caused by sucky adoptive parents he was soon saved from that household and now lives with a dude named Juniper?????? ????????(Xe)UnknownHoodJan?? (????)Age:???(21)6'1Strong build, thinSharp featuresBrown eyesCaramelLot's of scares of unknown causes, not pretty ones

lol, this was gonna be for a novel I was gonna write, The person with red magic is actually the main characters missing sibling, I was gonna finish I swear-

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