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(A long time ago, outworldly beings came down to our planet, two beings. One of the night and one of the day

The earth dwellers called them god, but they would die just the same as everyone else, give or take 1.000 years or so.

The god of the moon was kind to all, they were pale and soft-spoken unless you angered her, then all the stars' fury would be unleashed upon you. Scary but kind, trustworthy, and above all trusting, she thought that humans would keep the world safe.

We failed her.

The god of the sun was kind but hidden. They hid their kindness. He was tan and bruised. Speaking loud, to make it seem like he knew, to make it seem he was brave. He was scary to humans, at that time we only thought we were able to have emotions, we thought those with power could not. We made it worse.

Though he looked tough, he was scared, he had lost his family to a species like ours, when we caught him he was scared, but he was not the only one there, the moon god had seen, she was angry.

Humans, what are you doing to my sunlight? Why are they in a cage!?

Your majesty, he was in your temple and he claims to be like you but he has it

Not he, THEY, and what is 'It'?


We all have emotions

No, he needs to be executed, for trespassing on ancient grounds

NO by now she was fuming, their sunlight was about to be killed by the very people she had protected. Suddenly stars fell from the sky burning anyone near,

NO, YOU AWFUL PEOPLE!! MOTHER WAS RIGHT!! FROM NOW ON NONE OF YOU WILL EVER LOVE AGAIN!! As she spoke millions of stars turning black in colour changed course and headed towards the people hitting them taking love from them.

This is the story of the soulmates, so it doesn't end here...

Hours later at noon the god of the sun came down and asked a question that the people never forgot

"Do you want to love again?"

All of the humans nodded eagerly, being given a last chance, once more

I only hold a fraction of power compared to my sister, I'm sorry. I can only do so much.

Two small girls walked up to the god of the wearing dress two that matched, he saw love between them.

I'll give you your soulmates! He said excitedly he touched his ram horns as they began to glow brightening this cloudy day. A wave of emotions washed overall in the world, Their hearts opened up once more to love.

Platonic love was allowed by my sister, he said after landing on the ground you all will have one true love,

You two he called to the little girls you are 5?

Yes they said at the same time

Thank you, he turned to the rest of the crowd rising from his crouched position

At the age o five, you all will gain a soulmate,

How will we know who it is? he looked back at the two girls hugging and smiling and drawing on each other's arms

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