Part 12

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I went to camp for a while, these are a few of the short stories I made up during that time(Feel free to use or add on. Please give credit thorough


The woods are so pretty at night., she thought as she lay down to rest on a seemingly perfect bed of moss. She had been lost for days, the forest had seemingly changed. The landmarks and trails that led her on her way had promptly disappeared during the chase. As she left the world behind, the last thing she saw was the witch staring down at her.

"I win,." The witch said casting a spell that would be her last.


She looked around, she was in a cramped cave. Did it seem to hold only an... oversized.... lizard? Assuming by the throbbing from the back of her head, she had been knocked unconscious. Likely by the awkward meatal brutes fighting a perfectly nice-looking lizard


The world seemed to be smiling at Carmen. She had just stepped out of a plane, this was the first of many times she would leave her small village behind. She had taken her young siblings away from her shitshow of a mother as soon as she had won the fight for custody. She had applied for Citizenship in Sweeden and had been accepted within a half year. Everything was going to plan. They were safe and would never have to return to the home of the woman who hurt them. They were safe, finally.


Time seemed to fly while I was away at camp. Time seemed to go at nearly three times the speed. It only seems to slow while thinking of home. They sat in wait for letters, nearly everything making them see and miss their family and friends from home, homesickness. They to the outsider's eye would have seemed to be staring onto the distance. To them, Time seemed to slow

Stretching out.

Expanding, everlasting seconds becoming minutes, minutes becoming hours and yet-

"Eden? You good man?" Elliot asked waving her hand in from of my face

"Yeah yeah, sorry! Just zoned out."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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