Chapter 11: New Arrivals, Part 2

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ZETT WASN'T SURE if it was the excitement of the new arrivals, or if more memory loss was at work, but the vicious antagonism that had been building towards his friends before Half-Year had settled down. Perhaps it was because they were mostly back together again, so less of an easy target. Or perhaps the sight of Taryn's very real injuries made it seem even more ludicrous that she could have somehow drowned a fellow student while also breaking a leg in the process.

Whatever the cause, Zett was grateful. He and the rest of his friends didn't have much use for the rest of their year, it was true, but it was nice to be able to eat his meals in peace without having to listen to whispers of "Murderer" or "Traitor" behind his back.

"I never expected to say this," Caelo mused, skipping ahead of them on their way to their first class, "but I am so happy lessons are back. Everything has been so boring without them."

Zett and Orla shared a rueful smile as they hefted Taryn's new chair, brought by Dhori during breakfast, fortunately at a moment when Caelo had been away gathering more food. Taryn had managed to switch chairs and allow the lieutenant to take away both of Caelo's failed attempts without the redhead noticing. Yet another miracle in action. Now it only took two people to carry Taryn up or down stairs and Caelo was buoyant with her presumed success. Zett hoped no one was ever foolish enough to tell her the truth.

"Let's see how you feel at the end of the day," Vhen said, bringing up the rear, carrying Orla, Zett and Taryn's bags along with his own to help lighten the load.

"Since we're flying after lunch, I'll feel great!" Caelo trilled, dancing through the classroom door.

"Now that's the sort of spirit I like to see," an unfamiliar voice greeted with a rich chuckle. "Starting the year with a song. Excellent attitude."

Zett almost walked into the back of Orla as everyone ground to a startled halt at the sight of an unfamiliar woman sitting behind the front desk.

"What are you doing here?" Caelo demanded rudely, only moving to one side because Taryn stretched out her unbroken leg and kicked the back of her knee.

The woman behind the desk smiled, softening her solid features, and beckoned them inside the room with a chuckle. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, student. Now, if you don't mind unblocking the door, let's get everyone inside, shall we?"

Zett exchanged a glance with Vhen, and hurried after Orla as she steered Taryn to their usual place near the back. When Caelo didn't follow, still too busy staring at the stranger with suspiciously narrowed eyes, Zett doubled back and dragged her with them.

"What's wrong with you?" he grumbled, having to plant his hands on her shoulders and firmly lower her into her seat.

"I know her. I've seen her before." Caelo was growling, almost like a dog. If she'd had hackles, Zett knew they'd be raised and bristling. She didn't take her eyes off the stranger, and Zett exchanged baffled shrugs with Orla as he took his own seat and studied their new teacher.

There was nothing immediately obvious about her to explain Caelo's enmity. The stranger was stocky and round, built along the solid lines most commonly found in the Storm Peaks, although she lacked the accompanying height. Her face was obviously used to smiling and her dark eyes sparkled with mischief, especially when she looked at Caelo and winked.

Zett's friend spluttered with indignation, folded her arms across her chest and sat stiffly on the bench. "She shouldn't be here."

Vhen snorted. "Anyone would think you actually liked Lieutenant Dhori, since you're clearly missing his presence so much. All this time your sarcasm and insolence has been a foil for more tender feelings. Aw, don't pine, sweet Caelo, I'm sure you'll still see him around the citadel and can spit loving insults at him in passing."

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