Chapter 16: Stormy Skies, Part 2

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AFTER DINNER, WHEN their togetherness had become altogether too much, Taryn invited Orla on a visit to her family. Eager to escape yet another argument brewing between Caelo and Vhen, Orla jumped at the chance. The look of resignation on Zett's face as they left him trapped with the argumentative pair, evoked a twinge of guilt, but Orla ruthlessly shoved it down. Rhiddyl would rejoin them soon, having left to visit the kitchens and gather snacks for later. He would be fine.

"He'll be fine," Taryn echoed her thoughts, as Orla's footsteps slowed, her guilt almost convincing her to turn back. "Caelo and Vhen like him too much to make him uncomfortable for long."

Orla raised her eyebrows, because while in theory that was true, once Caelo and Vhen really started baiting each other they didn't tend to notice much else. And Taryn could be just as bad when she was involved.

"Perhaps we should have invited him too." Orla cast a pensive look back towards their room.

"No chance." Taryn shook her head. "Caelo would never let him come without her, which would defeat the object of getting away. I need space, Orla, so hurry up and enjoy it with me."

Snorting with amusement, Orla started walking again. "You must be desperate if you're choosing to visit your family."

Taryn rolled her eyes, so very different to the surly girl Orla had met on the Miryhl Heart two years ago. That Taryn would never have invited anyone to keep her company for any reason, let alone willingly spent time with her family. Then again back then Orla had never imagined leaving Ihra, regardless of her parents' plans, yet here they both were, walking Aquila's quiet corridors, Rift Rider students in their own right.

"It truly is a most remarkable Overworld," she said, and Taryn chuckled in agreement. Smiling, Orla led the way outside into the crystalline night.

The full moon glowed overhead, ghostly white in an ink-dark sky, throwing pale light over the glistening snow. A rim of ice covered everything, making the world glitter, even the clouds of Orla's breath as she stopped and stared.

"Too cold to gawp," Taryn said, nudging her shoulder. "Watch your feet instead."

It was slippery underfoot, but they were careful, leaning against each other as often as not as they picked their way across the courtyard leading to the private quarters of their tutors. A golden lantern glowed outside one door, beckoning them closer. They were expected.

Picking up the pace, they half-skidded, half-waded through the snow and were soon scraping their boots on the doorstep.

"There you are. We'd almost given up on you." Lyrai swung the door wide, allowing golden light and homely warmth to spill into the night, his smile equally welcoming.

"How did you know we were coming?" Taryn asked, holding Orla steady as she pulled off her boots. "I didn't say anything to Mhysra."

Lyrai's smile was dry. "Call it a hunch."

Orla and her friend both snorted, recalling the extra-intense bickering that had broken out during their miryhl care lesson earlier that the afternoon.

"Hello, you two!" Mhysra appeared behind her husband, brushing her curls out of her eyes. "Lyrai, stop blocking the door and letting all the heat out. Try bringing them in instead."

Lyrai rolled his eyes and left them to finish hauling off their boots. Murmuring greetings to Mhysra, Orla stepped into the warm little house and sighed with relief. Despite being made of the same grand stone as the rest of the citadel, the furnishings in this small part of Aquila were chosen with comfort in mind. Fleece and woollen rugs lay on the floor, feeling deliciously soft beneath Orla's feet, while bright cloth hangings covered the walls, blocking out drafts and softening the cold edges. The chairs were plump and comfortable, the fire was piled high and every seat was padded with cushions, lots and lots of cushions. Orla loved visiting, and only partly for the company.

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