yes horny for grape man/ref

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Diluc had a rather... stressful day at the tavern.

m reader again


Diluc sighed and cleaned the edge of yet another glass used by Venti. The bard had been drinking much more than usual, considering that it was Kaeya who was paying this time. You yourself had been heading back and forth between the bar and their table, just to be presented with another wine-stained but empty glass. You were exhausted, but it was saving Diluc the stress of having to interact with Kaeya again, so you thought nothing of it.

The soles of your shoes clacked against the dark and wooden floorboards as you walked outside with an empty green bottle in hand. Venti had drunk practically all the wine in the tavern, so you had to go and refill the bottles with the barrels that had been delivered a few days prior.

Diluc side-eyed Venti and his party as the white of your uniform waistcoat disappeared through the door beside the bar. He finished cleaning the glass and hung the slightly-greyed towel around the handle of a cupboard.

A loud laugh came from Venti's table, followed by a hiccup. Diluc huffed. He was tired, and he didn't feel like dealing with Kaeya or Venti anymore.

"Oi, Venti, Kaeya. The tavern is closing, leave." Diluc barked, leaning his arms against the dark hardwood of the bar counter.

"Oh, don't ruin our fun so easily Diluc." Kaeya grinned, reaching into his coat for the mora nonetheless.

Diluc rolled his eyes, watching them leave the tavern. He locked the front door, quickly checking if anyone was still in the tavern other than himself and you. There wasn't.

The noise of clinking bottles and your shoes colliding with the floor caused him to turn to you. Your back was turned to him, giving him a perfect view of what you were doing.

You were unaware of his gaze as you squatted down, putting the now filled bottles back into their place. Putting the last one into place, you stood up to go wipe down Kaeya and Venti's table.

However, you were stopped by Diluc's arms pulling you back against his chest. Your breath hitched.

"M-Master Diluc?" You stuttered out. 

His hands began to roam around your body, settling around your hips, as he began kissing and licking your neck. He said nothing, simply humming in response.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

Diluc twisted you around, pinning you against the dark mahogany and varnished counter. His chest was already heaving, even though he had barely done anything to warrant it. "Stress reliever." He huffed, already latching himself back onto your neck.

Your eyes widened as you remembered that Kaeya and Venti had been driving him mad the entire day. You were stupid to have forgotten how they constantly pestered him for more wine, yelled at half of the customers and made the surrounding tables unusable due to the stench of wine. 

You flinched as his hands went to the buttons of your white waistcoat. His hands hesitated, and he looked to you for approval. Taking a moment to think, you nodded and pulled him closer to you as he continued onto your black dress shirt.

Your bodies were pressed up against eachother as you started to work on his clothes too. His shirt fell to his shoulders as you put your hands against his chest, moving them to wrap around the nape of his neck.

You felt him unzip your trousers and reach into your pants, pulling them down to your ankles. He began palming your dick, causing you to groan into his shoulder. His other hand grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. You tried to fight the noises forcing themselves out of your throat, but it was to no avail.

Diluc chuckled lightly as your hands pulled him closer, craving his touch.

The hand on your dick suddenly stopped its movement, and you attempted to shift around, craving the friction. Hands went to your thighs, keeping you in place.

You felt his mouth take your entire length, almost savouring it. You could almost feel his smirk as he took you in, down to the base of your dick.  The knot in your stomach tightened, then you felt your release. You looked down at Diluc, seeing his lips covered in your liquid. He kept eye contact as he licked it off, swallowing it.

You flushed, looking away. This wasn't the first time he had done it, but there was something so... attractive about the way he looked at you, like you were his, like you belonged to him.

Diluc lightly pulled your hair, pulling you down to his eye level.

"Did you enjoy that, love?"


here take it idk anymore

i cba to write the rest so go off after the end ig

i need to do my hw now omfg

782 words

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