11 | falling

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" ma chérie "

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" ma chérie "

max rarely instigated things between the two.
though the comfort of his hand holding her waist as the rain soaked their clothes, and their lips danced together in perfect rhythm was indescribable. pulling away, only to smile. for, they couldn't stay serious during this time.
max's tears rolled away with rain water. though the blood on her arm laced with it, watering it down to small, paler red river streams running in a downward direction.
mike grabbed her arm, gently. looking concerned, for the injury looked worse than it was.

"let me help you, okay?" he said.
max slowly nodded, allowing him to examine her arm.
they began walking home together. which wasn't far, now. mike laced his long fingers between hers. holding her hand for a moment, only for her to let go the second they approached the house.
once they stepped through the doorway karen wasnt surprised to see them.

"you guys got rained out?" she asked, assuming. considering max's wet clothes clung to her body, and mikes shoes felt like he had walked through a lake.

"something like that." he said, pulling off his shoes so he didn't tract the water through the house, max doing the same.

mike signaled for her to go up stairs. she listened, which was rare. she stepped up the stairs. him fallowing close behind.

they reached the bathroom, where mike grabbed her hand, pulling her in.

she stood in front of the mirror, while he cleaned the back of her arm where the small gash was. she winced as he softly rubbed a small, clean towel against it. whipping up the screams of blood, and putting a square band-aid on the wound.

"merci." she spoke, softly.

mike, still standing behind her, drew his hands around her waist, pulling her closer to his. she leaned back. he was just tall enough to perfectly place his chin on the top of her head.

she smiled, "i should probably get changed." she said, not feeling very comfortable in wet clothes. he stepped to the side, letting her go, watching her leave the bathroom, heading back to her own room.

friends, he repeated to himself. his thoughts scrambled together, causing a internal war between his heart and his head. he told himself to stay away, to give her space. he stared in the mirror for what felt like ages, but was only minutes.

but i could go after her. he thought to himself.

don't try to follow me. she thought. she closed her bedroom door, slipping her shirt over her head. things were so confusing as it is. she shouldn't have kissed him, she shouldn't have even hung out with him today.

but she wanted to.

mike couldn't finish his thoughts, before he knew it his feet were already descending towards her bed room. his body was a minefield, fighting with himself, though the second he opened the ginger girls bedroom door, his eyes locked with hers once more.

max turned, standing half naked, her new clothes sitting out on her dresser. he didn't care.
his hands were numb from being cold, but the second his hands reached her, his body sparked with a warmth of fire.

mike kicked the door closed, pulling her face into his. continuing the kiss from earlier. max wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto his body, as their chest's collided together, along with their lips. it felt like a movie scene. something she's longed for, forever.
lucas never made her feel like this, not once. but he never crossed her mind. it didn't feel wrong anymore. as the small gapped closed between them. mike didn't think about el, lucas, no one. it was just max. it's always been max, even if he had to lie to himself for years.

he leaned her back, her sitting back on her bed now. he nipped her bottom lip, causing a slight gasp from her, laying flat down on her bed, with him over her. using one arm to support his weight, while the other held onto her face, his thumb running across her flushed cheek. kisses were rushed, for the only thing they wanted to do was be close to each other.

pausing while max slipped her hands under his shirt, pulling it over his head. max's hands roamed his now bare back, using them to pull him closer than he already was.

her now, half dried hair tangled and curled in directions it hasn't before. her shorts ended up on the floor, mike running his hands down her side, across her hips and down her bare legs.

he kissed down her jawline, to her neck. her breath deepened, attempting not to make any noise.
bringing his hand back up to her lips, and pulling away from her neck for just a moment. he ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

"you have to be quiet.." he said. his mom was home. though, she was very respectful of his privacy now that he's older. his father couldn't care less, but he's been working an awful lot more lately.

max slowly nodded, eager for him to continue.
her mind tensed with ease, for this was not revenge, or a hate hook up. this was just two, very confused, teenagers tangled up together. it was pure, honest. safe. max didn't feel fear, or guilt. which is something she struggled with often. mike's thoughts were on pause. he couldn't think of anything else but her skin, kissing down her chest, trailing down her stomach.

she breathed out. letting him wonder. her laced undergarments ended up on the floor as well as the rest of her clothes, his as well.

"tu es trop belle, ma chérie." he spoke against her skin. she felt butterflies burst through her lower stomach, making her feel so pretty in this moment.

about an hour later, max rested her head on mikes chest. tracing small, imaginary shapes on each other's bare stomachs. giggling trying to guess what they are.

max traced a numerous amount of lines and shapes on his pale skin.
"okay, guess."

"is it an dog?" he asked.

"no, a cat!" she laughed uncontrollably, scrunching her nose. he laughed, leaning his head back on her pillow. for they were half clothed now, just shirts off.

"i'm sorry!!" he joked, his left arm wrapped around her waist still holding her close to him. "you know, you remind me of a cat sometimes."

"a ginger cat with claws." she joked.

"no like, i don't know." he paused. "in a good way, like, cats aren't like dogs, they don't magically love every person that comes into contact with them. you have to put in dedication to be companions with a cat." mike explained.

"so you're saying i'm hard to be friends with?" she said, still joking around, looking up to him.

"well no, i mean it's like, you can't control a cat like you can easily train a dog. they're really independent, and have big personalities." mike said, moving her orange hair behind her ear.

"you're being sweet, stop it." she said, looking back down. she couldn't help but push away his affection, she doesn't know how to expect it just yet.

"that's what i mean!" he said, laughing, moving onto his side, just to face her.
he thought about how pretty she was, in every moment they've interacted. her voice was a song to his ears, and her touch was like ember flames of warmth.

god he was falling for her.

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