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" je te veux "

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" je te veux "

to max's surprise, mike wheeler greeted her with a smile. but she quickly figured out that it was only because he was being respectful to her mother, and sucking up in front of his own. mike wheeler was not always a kind human being.

the minute his mother left them and he was forced to show me to my room, his pleasant attitude dropped and he became the mike wheeler max remembers.

max carried her skateboard in one arm and her backpack was by her side.

"okay, so your room is directly next to mine, so i guess if you need anything just come get me, or whatever." he said, with no emotion. the redhead could tell he really didn't want her here.

"thanks.. i guess." she said with a swallow. god, everything was so awkward. max forced herself to unpack her things and pretend to be enjoying herself. she normally listens to music when she's by herself but nothing could drown out mike playing the clash from his room. which wasn't bad, they were a good band. it's just the fact that she didn't get to choose it.

anyways, she folded her clothes and put them into the white drawers to match the all white room. gray and white is all the room was colored with. it was kind of depressing. she had a huge window close to her bed. making a mental note to open it before she lit a cig.

she shoved the pack under some of her clothes just in case someone goes snooping, meaning mike. she just didn't trust him.

max took a blanket out of her bag and threw it on the white bedspread. she always liked a soft blanket underneath her while she slept. maybe it was just a max-thing.

theyre were other blankets folded neatly next to her bed, which she pick up one by one and placed them neatly on top of the bed she'll be sleeping in for a few weeks.

after finishing putting everything away she opened the big window and pulled out a cigarette just to place it in between her lips, and light it.

smoke corrupted her lungs as she breathed in, it didn't bother her much anymore. she breathed out, gray smoke coming from her lips to travel outside the window, blowing away with the wind.

"what the fuck are you doing?" a male voice said from the doorway.

"want to join me, wheeler?" she replied, teasingly.

"no. maxine, put that out before my mom sees it." he whisper shouted at the ginger.

"come on mike, stop being a loser for once." she was only trying to annoy him now.

"oh, come on. have some decency. this isn't even your house. you spend your time skateboarding and smoking alone, and i'm the loser. you know how bad those are for you?" he commented, knowing it's true.

max didn't care, she only took an other puff of her cigarette. but mike was fed up, he approached her. before snatching the cigarette from out of her hand and dropping it out the window. max's face dropped with it.

"mike! what the fuck! i wasn't even finished with it!" she yelled, mike assumed that she was probably stoned, as she was seen as girl that would also do that type of thing.

"get over it, you probably have a whole pack hidden in here somewhere. i'm only looking out for you, maxine." he said, making the ginger roll her eyes.

"it's max." she corrected him before slamming her shoulder into his while walking to the bathroom, which was down the hall.

she closed the door behind her before siding down it, her head sat on her knees. this was going to be a long week. she knew it, he knew it. and either of them were happy about it. at least that's what max thinks.

not too long after, mike was knocking on the door on the outside of the bathroom.

"what do you want mike?" the ginger said rather loudly.

"maxin— max. i'm sorry, okay? can we not make you being here such a horrible thing?" he tried to be civil, but max only rolled her eyes. she got up to open the door, to face him.

"mike, why can't we just— ignore each other? i won't bother you if you won't bother me." max said before mike shook his head.

"fine. whatever." mike said before storming off back to his room, max doing the same to her own shortly after.

she threw herself onto her made bed, she didn't care to change into her pjs or eat something for dinner she just wanted to sleep everything off.

in a way she wishes she could just sleep through the weeks of her being here.

it was getting late anyways, max eventually drifted into a deep sleep, she slept for hours.

only to wake up in the dead of the night. she stared at the ceiling. she thought about lucas, and the group. it's not that she missed the relationship but she really missed being in their group. she hated school, she never wanted to go. lucky, it was only friday and she didn't have to stress about school for a couple of days.

the more she thought about it, the more she missed how things used to be. in a way, she was very envious of jane. not for the reasons you may think, she didn't care for mike or anything of course.

it's just the fact that she was so accepted into the group of boys, and she just- wasn't. she always blamed mike, because it was mostly his fault. if he had been more accepting, maybe the rest of the group would have been.

she could hear mikes voice from the other room, he was definitely speaking to someone. but who would be up at this hour?

jane, that's who. mike happen to be speaking on the phone with the brunette. he happened to be ranting about the fact that he has to deal with max living in his house for a few weeks. jane probably wasn't happy about that, knowing how jealous she gets.

max tried ignoring his voice, she rolled over onto her side and drifted back into her sleep.

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