5 | feelings

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" jolie "

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" jolie "

mike wheeler, couldn't stop confusing his feelings. he was beyond confused. over a redhaired girl who spends her time corrupting her lungs with cigarette smoke, and takes pleasure in riding around town on that little skateboard of hers. which in mike's eyes it's seen as a death trap, because he'd almost immediately would fall on his ass three seconds of placing his foot on the goddamn board.

he never understood skateboarding, in all honest, he'd rather stick with his bike.

speaking of, mike was currently riding his bike. back to his house where the quiet girl sat. but today was different. max never wore anything other than denim, a stripped shirt and her classic red jacket. occasionally her green one also. but today, the girl was dressed in white.

to mikes surprise, she was wearing a dress. one that almost reached her knees. it was covered in white lace. kind of simple. it wasn't exactly what mike would call pretty but, he thought about how pretty it looked on her, and her alone.

she sat outside, no one was home and in respect of karen, she was smoking her cancerous stick of tobacco outside. she was lacking shoes, and the ability to not to have a nicotine buzz at all times.

mike set his bike down against the house, while approaching the girl. he'd always assume she smokes more than just cigarettes, but he was wrong. she never liked hard drugs, or weed or anything of that sort. which was probably good in her favor.

mike gave max a small smile after she put out her cigarette, to his approval. she gave him an awkward smile back, mostly to just be nice.

"tu es vraiment belle." he complemented. she smiled less awkwardly at his words. he sat next to her on his poorly done front steps.

"merci." she answered, causing him to smile.

a stay cat appeared from behind the house, it was covered in gray fur, with only white appearing on the middle of it's face and it's legs.

max hit mike softly to get his attention then pointed to the felion. in which, he smiled. it seemed to be only a kitten, barely a year old maybe. it was small, delicate. it looks like it hasn't eaten. mike jumped to his feet and ran inside. max stayed, confused, only til her confusion was recovered when mike came out of the house with a small plate in hand and small peices of chicken were place on top. probably because mike doesn't have a cat, and never has. cat food wasn't really on the menu at the wheeler's house hold. but chicken was a different story.

he crouched down slightly, moving to the cat slowly. he slid the bowl towards it, then backed up, returning to max.

the two sat and watched the cat eat the food mike placed out for it. mike wasn't really a cat person, but max was. and maybe he just wanted to make her smile. maybe he just wanted the cat to keep coming back for food just so he could see max getting excited over it.

"what should we name it?" the girl asked, causing mike to think of a creative name.

"espérer." he answered. ever since their little french lesson, he's become much better at it.

"hope?" she asked, turning her body to his.

"for our us." he said softly. she nodded.

"esperer it is." she said, in an american accent. they watched the cat leave, as they leave also. since it's getting dark.

the tall boy grabbed max's hand, pulling her into his bedroom.

he shut the door behind them. max assumed he wanted to hook up again, that was the only reason he was really ever intrested in her. but instead, he sat down on her bed, her joining him.

"I broke up with jane." mike stated, in a quiet voice. it was laced with sadness.

"what? why?" max said, louder than mike she has a genuine confused expression.

"because i don't love her anymore." he sighed. "she doesn't make me happy anymore." he explained, max's face softened. as she felt bad. she felt like it was her fault.

"i'm sorry." she whispered.

"don't be. listen, i'm sorry for how things went before. i didn't mean to use you like some object sitting around my house. you're pretty, max. and all I wanted was to hurt jane. and i'm sorry. i'm aware of my actions, and jane is too. i like you, max. you're a cool person, fun to be around." she nodded lightly, taking in his words. "I want to like you. i want to make things work between us. i know we didn't get along as friends, but maybe we can attempt to get better at it?" he asked, leaving her almost speechless.

"i don't know, mike.." she said quietly.

"just think about it, okay?" he responded, she nodded before leaving the room. his room. the room where many memories were placed.

she went into her room, only to throw herself on the bed. what would she do? she was confused now. getting up and pulling a cig out of the dresser just to place the cancer stick in her mouth. though she didn't light it. mike's parents were probably home now, she realized how pointless it would be to do so. she put it back. closing her draw with a sigh. she doesn't handle stress well.

did she like mike wheeler? after everything. all the teasing, the fights, the sex. what would it be like to have sex with him and like him? because she genuinely had a good time, and she hated him. so really, what would it be like to like him?

she didn't know what to feel, but she wanted to feel something. she left her room only to appear in the door of mike's.

he sat on his bed, he glanced up at the redhead girl. and his only reaction was to sit up.

in which she entered the room, closing the door behind her and climbing into his bed.

mike was suprised at first, but when she curled up into a ball beside him he couldn't help but fall for it. he moved closer to her, allowing her to lean her back on his chest. they both faced the door. while comfortable silence filled the air.

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