Some company (not continuation)

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This is just a random one-shot in honor of the gay month. So, sit back, relax, be gay, do crimes!!

"Explain to me why we're doing this again." Ron requested, clutching his broom stick as though his life depended on it. He, Harry and Hermione were walking around outside the castle in the dead of night, which was bad enough as it was.

"I already told you, Ron, we're waiting for Malfoy." Hermione sounded irritable, which comes naturally with being asked the same question over and over again.

"Yeah, I got that part. But why?" The ginger continued to press, he didn't understand why they had to wait until night to go stalking about or why they couldn't pull the Polyjuice trick again.

"Draco has been going to the roof every morning before dawn and doesn't come down until everyone else is supposed to wake up. We're going to try to see what he does up there." Harry finally explained, sighing.

"Then why am I the one with the broom? You're better at flying, Harry!" Hermione shushed him as his confusion grew. However, this question was left unanswered.

The three continued to walk around the school until the squeal of door hinges echoed through the dark. They ducked behind the corner, just in time to see someone leave the school. The person in question had a school robe on, pale skin and white-blonde hair. Draco Malfoy.

Following from a distance, they tracked him down to the supply shed near the Quidditch field. Soon after hiding behind it as Malfoy turned around and started walking to the school, Nimbus 2001 in hand. The following continued until they reached the school once again. Draco held the broom upright and stepped on the side, similar to how he had when he taunted Potter with the Remembrawl.

They waited until he rose out of sight.

"Alright, he's on the roof now. Ron, you go." Hermione nudged his shoulder, pushing him forward.

"Why me?!"

"Because you're better at lying on the spot!" Harry joined in pushing him forward. Though it was clear that the other just wanted him to get moving. Of all of them, he was the worst at lying. But the pushing was getting annoying, so he finally complied to hunt Malfoy down. Well... Up.

Mounting his broom, simply sitting on the stick instead of copying the way Draco had gone up. However, he found quickly this came at a disadvantage. Instead of being able to rise vertically like Malfoy had, he had to circle around until he reached the roof and dismounted.

It didn't take long to spot Malfoy, especially against the slowly lightening sky. His broomstick laid on the ground just behind him, he himself stood on the very ledge of the roof. Fear struck without warning and Ron rushed forward, grabbing Draco's forearm. He was sure the other wasn't going to jump, sure of it. But everything else he'd been sure of usually fell apart in one way or another, so he didn't want to risk it.

"I'm surprised." The other spoke softly, taking Weasley by surprise. "I didn't think anyone would be up here at this hour. Especially not you."

"You're here." Ron retorted, not loosening nor tightening his grip on the blonde's arm.

"I have a reason other than stalking someone."

"You-" Confusion gripped his mind, the other knew? No. Ron convinced himself that Draco was making a foul attempt at getting under his skin. "What's your reason to be up here then?"

"I like to watch the sun rise." Draco said simply, looking back out to the sky. "However, these past few days, I've had more than you disrupting me. Though, your company, I don't mind."

"My company? Why mine?"

"Well, I asked for it." His voice was indifferent, his face held a comfortable look.

"You... asked... for my company?"

"Well, of course, I didn't ask YOU. I can't get near you without you glaring or every one near expecting a fight." Draco shrugged, stepping back and taking his arm back from the ginger. "So, the night before last, your two little friends decided to see what I did up here as well."

"You asked Harry and Hermione for my company?"

"No, Fred and George." Draco lowered himself to the ground, extending his legs so his feet hung over the ledge. "You've come all this way, you may as well sit."

Hesitating for a moment, Ron slowly sat beside Malfoy, questioning whether this was some sick joke or something. The two sat in silence for a while, just looking out at the dark sky. They sat quietly as the sky began to lighten. Weasley waited for someone to come up behind him or Draco to stand up and leave without saying a word. Instead, just as the sun came up, Ron felt something touch the top of his hand.

No words were exchanged. Turning over his hand, he felt warmth cover his palm. Closing his hand, he looked over at Draco, who was looking down at their hands.

"Thank you." He said quietly, looking up at the ginger's eyes. "For keeping me company."

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