Burning Memories~Chapter 6

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~Hatori's POV~

This all happened so unexpectedly. Really, when I woke to find Kureno at my doorstep, I was quite surprised. Even more so when I saw a fragile young body being cradled in Kureno's arms. An eloquent expression was drawn out on Kureno's face, and I'm sure it was the same with mine. Shigure and the others had come to the main house because I had invited them; it was only a coincidence. I offered to stay with her until she woke up, but Yuki decided to instead.

"I don't know why," he said, "but she feels familiar to me." He wouldn't leave her side until then. When I came, though, she was already outside. She's much stronger than I originally thought. I don't know if I could handle what Kazuko went through. I'm so weak. Not only weak, either, but so reserved, shy, and cold to others. I'm afraid of hurting myself an others. But Kazuko doesn't seem to even care about herself. It's always about the others.

"Hatori." Kazuko's voice echoes in my head. "Hatori. Stop being so afraid." She looks at me, smiling kindly, but her eyes are haunted. Deep and endless, while filled, overflowing even, with the ghosts of the past.

"It's all my fault..." I hear. A sudden pain in my left eye, and I hear the words over as over again. "My fault... It's all my fault..." Oh. It's Kana. She holds her beautiful, delicate face in her hands. Another voice overpowers Kana's.

"If Hatori loses his sight, it's your fault! It's your fault! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

I wake up with a jolt, sweaty and cold. My legs are tangled in the bedsheets and I'm gasping for breath. I twist my head around to get my bearings, and see Shigure on the other side of my bed, still asleep.

Thank goodness. What a terrible nightmare. But it wasn't real, it was just a dream. I was here, in my own bed. Even if Shigure was in it, which made me slightly uncomfortable, that's because he was visiting. Yes... It was all a dream. I rest my forehead on the palm of my hand, catching my breath.

"Mm...?" Shigure lifted his head sleepily and looked at me. "Haa-kun, what's wrong?" I shook my head.

"Nothing, Shigure." I assured him.

"Are you sure?" Shigure turned over onto his side, rubbing his eye. "You're a little pale."

"Yeah. It was just a bad dream." I collapsed onto my back as I closed my eyes again.

"Really?" Shigure mumbled intently. "What was it about?" My jaded eyes looked into his, which seemed prying and eager.

"I don't want to talk about it." I rolled onto my side as well, so I would face away from this enigmatic man. I didn't know his intentions, and I preferred it that way.

"Haa-kun, if you don't talk about it, the nightmare just might repeat itself." Shigure begged.

"Why you..." I looked back to Shigure, slightly frustrated. "Now that you've mentioned it, the nightmare probably WILL repeat itself! Keep out of my business, and I'll keep out of yours. I see what you're doing to Kazuko." Shigure blinked owlishly at me, beginning to sit up.

"Why must you be so cynical, Haa-kun? Has it occurred to you that maybe I just want to help?" Shigure sighed.

"Don't make this a longer conversation than it has to be." I pulled Shigure back down from his sitting position, but instead, he just pulled me up. My head span for a moment, obnubilating my view of his wide grin. I rubbed my eyes a few times to clear them. "I'm serious, Shigure."

"You need to lighten up, Haa-kun!" Shigure laughed.

"It's the middle of the night. I've been working all day. Let me sleep." I demanded, my voice trembling with rage. "Or I swear, you will regret it." I pushed Shigure away and fell on my side again. Shigure sighed flippantly, but nonetheless pulled the blankets up to his chest and fell asleep almost immediately again. I took a little while longer to submit to my hazy nightmares once again.

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