Burning Memories~Chapter 5

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~Sakura's POV~

Akito stood angrily, crudely pointing a finger at me.

"You can stay with Shigure!" She yelled. "I don't care anymore!" Yes, Akito was a girl. I didn't know why she acted like a boy, but she was most definitely a woman. After saying this, Akito wouldn't talk to either of us. She sat in the corner, resting her head on the bench again.

"I'll come when you feel better again." Shigure whispered into her ear. He smirked before walking past me. "Come on, Kazuko." He ordered. I trailed behind him, talking quietly.

"Shigure..." I started. "About Akito. Who else knows?"

"Not many. There's myself, Hatori, and Ayame. There's also Kureno, of course." He explained.

"Of course? What do you mean?"

"I MEAN that as Akito's servant, Kureno is always with Akito. He eats with Akito, talks with Akito, and even spends every night with Akito." Shigure grimaced at those last words. Was it just me, or did he seem a little jealous? "I'd get into the habit of calling Akito 'He' by the way. Not many know his secret, and no one else can find out." Shigure looked at me suspiciously. "How did you know, anyway?"

"A few reasons." I shrugged. "First, he's too beautiful to really be a boy. There's no way such a beautiful woman would ever be a man. Second," I glanced at Shigure, "was the way you looked at him." Shigure blinked at me, taken aback.

"Whatever could you mean, Kazuko-chan?" Shigure laughed, cuffing my shoulder with his hand.

"Don't try to distract me. I can totally tell that you like him." I smiled smugly, a little proud for figuring that out myself. A pink blush began to settle across Shigure's cheeks. I finally had something to hold over his head.

"Ah, you're so stupid, Kazuko-chan!" Shigure exclaimed, but his blush was still prominent. I hated to admit it, but he looked very cute in this defensive state. "Don't be so stupid!"

"I'm not stupid." I grumbled. "I'm right, and you know it."

"You're not the only one who knows! Haa-san and Aaya know, too!" Shigure pouted, crossing his arms.

"I can finally hold something over your head." I smiled proudly. Shigure smiled back and began to giggle. I wondered what could be so funny.

The sky was painted with deep reds, vivid oranges, and bright pinks. The setting sun cast a glow over the main Sohma estate.

"Come on, Kazuko-chan." Shigure said, changing the subject. "It's much too late to go back to my house. Well stay here for the night. At Haa-san's house."

"Okay, I don't mind." I replied, stretching and yawning.

"Don't collapse out of sleepiness on the way there." Shigure warned. I stared at him unbelievably.

"You've got to be kidding. Do you have to make a big deal out of everything?" Shigure nodded in reply to my question and pointed ahead.

"We do need to get going, though. I guess you can sleep with Tohru-kun..."

"I'm fine with that."

"Unless, of course, you'd rather sleep with me..." Shigure suggested, a playful smile glued onto his face. I slapped his arm.

"You shameless idiot." I muttered, walking back towards Hatori's house. Once there, Tohru greeted me with a smile.

"Welcome back, Kazuko-san! I made dinner!" Tohru pulled at my arm. I looked back to Shigure, who gasped.

"Tohru, you sweet, kind girl! Why, I would love some of your delicious home cooked meal!" Shigure closed his eyes, daydreaming. Tohru blushed and began to ramble again.

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