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"Vincent have you seen my earrings?" I asked him and he handed them. They were just in front of me. He rolled his eyes and started dressing himself. I curled my red hair and applied some lipstick as he was wearing his vest once again. I wore my necklace and then turned back to help him with his tie. "You look beautiful with the suit" I smiled. "I look beautiful with anything" he laughed and gave me a kiss. He fixed his hair and we got out. Brimstone handed everyone earpieces. We walked out and I got into the car. "Earcheck" I heard Brimstone saying. Everyone checked and we headed to the JUDAS Hotel.

"I am getting in" I said and fixed my hair a little bit. I gave a smile to the security men and I got in. "I am in as well" Reyna said. "I am looking for him" she added. I could see Yoru and Raze dressed as waiters. Yoru came close to me "champagne madam?" He asked and show me where the mirror Vincent was. I went closer to him. The plan was perfect, I would ask him to step outside with me, and then take what we need. But it seems way too easy. Something felt off. "Fancy a dance my lady?" a deep voice came behind me. I turned around and a smile was painted to his face. His brunette hair was well styled and his black suit was adorning his well sculpted body. I didn't get to answer and he already took my hand. He moved me in the centre of the dance floor. "I know what your little team is planning to do" his breath brushed against my ear. My eyes were filled with shock. "I dont get what you are talking about". He giggled. "I expected you" he whispered and shrugged spinning me away from him. When I crashed against his chest, he took a moment and murmured into my ear. "Throw your earpiece and follow me"

We stepped outside. The weather was cold and it was raining. "Now what? Are you going to kill me?" I asked and he laughed. "Just call him and tell him to come alone" he ordered and took off his glasses. "Excuse me?". He instantly took out his knife and placed it to my throat. "We had a deal".

Chamber's Pov

"Iris is not answering" Brimstone was yelling in our ears. I was in the top of a roof picking with my OP. The rain was making my job difficult, I couldn't see much. That's why I lost her. Suddenly my phone rang. It was a message from Iris. "Tell them I am okay, close your earpiece and come here" she sent me her location. I followed what she asked me to do. I trust her. Afterwards I placed my op to its box and I went to the location she asked me to go, but no one is here.

"It's been a long time Vincent" I heard a voice saying from my behind. It was my double. He was holding Iris but she does not seem afraid. "What do you-" and between seconds I was laid on the floor.

Iris's Pov

Vincent hit him to his head. "Stand up" he ordered. I felt sorry for him, he couldn't move easily, but he came to his knees. "I am Iris Pontes. Daughter of Ruben Pontes. Does this name remind you of something?" He shuttered. "Let me refresh your memory. He was a scientist of Kingdom industries. Just. Like. Me." His eyes got filled with disbelief. "Unfortunately he died in the Fracture incident" I added. Mirror Vincent handed me a gun. "Correction he was killed in the Fracture. Any idea who did it?" I smiled. He broke our eye contact and looked down. "I did" he breathed out. I pointed my gun to him but I couldn't shoot. "This is justice Iris" Vincent said. Instead I turned the gun and pointed his mirror "And that's love". I shot him. Without hesitation. I felt the anger running through my body. Everyone heard the shot. I threw the gun to the ground "We never happened" and I left the scene. I left him there, looking his dead double. He found out who I really was.

I hid behind a wall while people of both Valorant and Mirror earth were running to find out what happened. They started shooting each other. A moment later I heard someone coming from behind. It was KAY/O. The KAY/O of the Valorant Protocol, but even though it was him he shot me on my diaphragm. I fell down and I felt like my breath was taken. "What did you do?" I heard Sabine's voice "She is a traitor, Brim ordered me to shoot her". She tried to talk to me but I couldn't hear anymore. "Sabine we have to go! They are over numbered!". She did not want to leave, but she had no choice. She was like a mother to me. Some minutes later the shooting stopped, the only thing someone could hear was steps.

The rain was falling way too fast from the clouds. I was laid on the ground that had my blood stains. I look up. It is him. I am just in front of him crying and his look is empty and cold. Colder than tonight's weather, colder than rain and wind together. He is not talking, but the way his eyebrows are placed, his expression is asking me "why?". Yet I cant talk. I dont have the guts to.

He grabs his gun from the ground and points it to me, even though I am bleeding and I cant stand up, I get why he is not feeling sorry for me, I get why I have to die.
And the I hear a BANG!

Chamber's Pov

"You missed" she said. In her forehead I can see drips of blood. We are locking eyes. She is in the ground, too weak to stand up, weaker than I've ever seen her. "Do it" she attempts to stand up, and yet fails. Her eyes are dark, filled with tears. I am her lover and her enemy at the same time. I bow down to her. She looks at me with eyes full of fear. She tries to stand up again. But she cant. Her body is shaking because of the blood loss.

A few moments ago we were happy. We were dancing and making love. And now? How did this happen? I place the gun down. She is holding her stomach. The blood is seeping through her clothes. She looks horrified. She falls back, not able to move anymore. She coughs. I catch her and I let her lay to my body. "You- you wanted us to live together" she breathed out. "We will. Y-You are going to be fine" I sobbed "I cant let you go" I added. It hurts to see her like that. "Remember when we met Vincent?". I shook my head. "Y-Yeah mademoiselle" she smiled. Her breath was getting slower and deeper. This time her face was relaxed and her eyes filled with acceptance. "In every universe, remember?" Her diaphragm stopped moving. And those were the last words I was able to hear from her lips.

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