Chapter 23 : The First Netherghul

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Chapter 23 : The First Netherghul

The Second Overlord sighed as he sat down behind his desk. The new body which he had possessed left much to desire compared to the Wizards but it would do for now. Thinking about his situation he let out a growl.

"That miserable upstart. I can't wait until I stand over his corpse." frowning slightly he admitted inwardly that it would not be nearly as easy as he would like given how incompetent many of the Empires Centurions and Generals were. If not for Marius and the Emperor it likely would have been defeated by the Lady Fay long ago.

"Excuse me." a voice called out.

Reacting quickly the Second Overlord jumped up and looked at the intruder readying a spell but froze as he saw the Intruders smirking figure.

A red skinned Demon like figure in a blue suit was standing in a corner of the room, with a carefree smile.

"Who the hell are you?" he snarled, ready to attack at any moment. The Demon grinned mockingly which made the Overlord frown in annoyance.

"You may call me the Witty Phantom." the being introduced with a mocking bow.

The Second Overlord frown deepened as he looked at the strange being. He had never heard about someone like him and that made him wary.

"And what do you want from me?" he asked cautiously, it wasn't wise to deal with Demons, especially unbound ones. The Phantom smirked at him.

"My Master, the Great Lord Shiro, has heard about your recent plight regarding that Usurper who took your Title and Tower. It would... heavily annoy my master if the Third Overlord were to succeed in destroying the Glorious Empire. So he sent me here with a gift to strengthen your forces." the being explained.

The Second Overlords frown lessened a small bit as the Phantom walked to his desk and placed a few cards on it.

"These cards are called Summoning cards. They can be used to summon powerful warriors and creatures to serve you, my master has ordered me to give these cards to you so that you may empower the Empires forces with them." the creature explained calmly.

The Second Overlord gritted his teeth at the mention of his loathed enemy before looking at the cards with barely hidden Greed. Smiling the Phantom shoved them towards the Overlord.

"They are very powerful and summon a group of very strong Warriors known as the Brotherhood of the Fire Fist... and believe me, you'll need all the help you can get..." it said, before it vanished into the shadows leaving him alone.

- Shiro -

Laughing to himself he watched the moronic mage desperately gather the cards.

The Empire was fucked, and so was the Second Overlord... but he could at least make things more entertaining this way. He'd have to find some more toys to let out into Kuro's worlds, this was far too entertaining.

What world was next again? Time to make some... adjustments. As he went to start changing things he looked down in confusion... Oh right, he was in the middle of something.

"Sorry, Shalltear. I'll be with you in a second." he said to the Vampire worshipping his dick.

Amuse me more Player Two...

Or alternatively you can fuck off and stop ruining my carefully designed worlds.

Stop hogging the new toy, Asshole.

I'm the GM here, not you... Player.

I am a Player aren't I? My Girls would agree. But the point stands, I want to play as well, and unfortunately for you, I have access to the Console Commands and I turned on Developer Mode, so you can't do anything to stop me.

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