29. Leave

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Chris and Street were attempting to sleep in bed. Chris started stirring at the sound of crying.

"Your turn," Chris said and nudged Street.

"Yeah, yeah," Street replied tiredly and got out of bed.

Then, Chris heard the other baby crying.

"No!" Chris groaned and rolled out of bed. She walked over to the nursery. Although there were two separate bedrooms decorated for their twins, each with sunrise orange painted walls, of course, they decided it would be easier to keep the two cribs in one bedroom for now.

Chris bent down and picked up Erika to cradle her in her arms and help her stop crying.

Street looked down at William, who they had been calling "Liam" for short, and noticed that he was quieting down. Street decided to rock him for a minute more just in case. He saw Champ out of the corner of his eye just sitting up in between the cribs. "He doesn't want to leave his post," Street joked.

"He's a trained police dog. He's protective," Chris justified.

"When I put Liam down, I'm gonna go get Champ a treat. He deserves it," Street said brightly.

Chris smiled. "Is Buck still coming by today? Cause, we might want to tidy up," Chris said observing the mess in the nursery.

"You know he doesn't care...Grandpa Buck just wants to see his favorite little ones...isn't that right, Liam?" Street asked in a hushed baby tone. Liam's eyes were closing and he was falling back asleep.

"I think Liam only cares about eating and sleeping right now," Chris jested.

"Same," Street replied and gently placed Liam in his crib. "I gotta get Champ a treat," Street remarked as he left the room.

Chris watched him leave and turned back to Erika who started to calm down. She kissed Erika's little head as she kept rocking the fussy baby.


Street and Chris had fallen asleep on the floor outside of the nursery. Chris' head leaning on Street's shoulder and Street's head resting on top of hers. Then, they heard a knock at the door and sprung up.

When they bounded down the steps, they saw that Aunt Helena had already answered the door.

"Buck, perfect timing! I just made coffee," Helena greeted.

"Sounds great, Helena," Buck replied and walked past her to see Chris and Street. He immediately noticed their rumpled and spit up stained clothes and tired eyes.

"Hey, guys," Buck said waving at the couple.

"Buck, so glad you're here," Street replied. Buck patted him on the back.

"Sorry about the mess, Buck," Chris apologized.

"No need to apologize. You've got your hands doubly full," Buck responded.

"They say twins are double the trouble, but somehow it feels more like quadruple the trouble," Street joked.

"Take a shower and get some sleep. I'll take care of the twins and Buck can help me" Helena ordered.

"Helena, please, we appreciate all your help, but we're home for the day. We got this," Street ensured.

"I told you I am helping with these babies everyday, and I meant it. My grandchildren deserve to have some time with their abuela AND to have well-rested parents...go!" Helena shooed them.

"Thank you, seriously, tia," Chris said.

Chris and Street turned around and went back upstairs.

"So, how can I help?" Buck asked.

The twins cries started echoing through the house.

"You take one, I'll take the other," Helena instructed, and they walked upstairs together.


Buck, Street, Chris, and Helena were sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Your cooking as always is delicious. How did you find time to cook and feed the twins?" Street asked in disbelief.

"Practice, hijo, it will come to you soon," Helena promised.

Buck heard a chime on his phone.

"Looks like 20 Squad is working a case related to something I've helped with in the past. They want me to come in," Buck announced.

"That militia the team is tracking?" Chris asked.

Street turned to flash her a curious look.

"What? I'm still the captain. I have to keep up," Chris explained.

"You're on maternity leave, and you are taking the day off, so both of you, please stop thinking about work and enjoy your kids," Buck commanded and got up from the table. "Thank you for lunch, Helena, and give the twins a kiss for me. See you guys later," Buck said and exited the house.

They heard the babies cry. Chris and Street stood up. "Helena, please sit down. We got this," Street directed and they headed upstairs.


Chris was sitting in the rocking chair of the nursery with Liam in her arms and the lights off when Street walked in.

"How's Liam?" Street asked.

"He was just a little hungry, but I just finished feeding him," Chris reported.

Street put his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "Chris, I'm out of vacation days. I have to go back next shift."

"I know," she replied quietly.

"The thought of leaving you alone with the twins..." Street began guiltily.

"Don't even start. I have Helena. She's been so amazing, and I promise you, amor, we're gonna be okay."

"Our family comes first."

"And 20 Squad is part of our family, and they need you. I've heard Powell has been a great substitute, but she's not you," Chris urged.

"How are we supposed to do this? Go to work and leave the kids behind?" Street asked desperately.

"Everyone figures it out, and so will we. Look at Deacon, and he doesn't have a super abuela like Helena," Chris reminded him.

"I feel guilty even saying it, but I do miss SWAT," Street admitted.

"Me, too...does that make me a bad mom?" Chris asked.

"It makes you an excellent police captain who knows that Helena can take care of the kids and Champ while we go to work. Besides, I want our kids to grow up seeing their badass mom capable of doing it all."

"I love your faith," Chris replied simply.

"Day by day we're gonna figure it out for us and for them," Street said and looked down at his son.

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