Chapter 2

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My shoes sharply slapped down on the sidewalk. The sound of my footsteps were accompanied by another pair running alongside me, but both the sounds were overshadowed by my harsh breaths and the pounding of my heart. I tried to keep my breaths controlled, but was failing with each step I forced myself to take. My thighs burned and shook with the threat of taking me down.

"I think we should stop here," Max remarked as he slowed to a stop. I followed his lead, stopping at his side. I couldn't help but feel envy at how unphased he appeared after running effortlessly alongside me while I was pushing my hardest. His breathing had barely changed.

"No," I shook my head. "Let's- go- a little- longer." Each of my words was gasped and separated by pauses so I could gulp down a few much need breaths.

Max narrowed his eyes, not believing I was capable of doing what I was suggesting. It was clear from looking at me that I was nearing collapse.

But I wasn't close enough that it could help take my mind off the attention I felt burrowing into the back of my head.

"Come on," he said, pulling his phone out. "Let's start heading back, I'll message Vince to come and grab us."


"You might also want to check the time before trying to argue," he said, cutting me off as he walked past me and back the way we had come for our morning run.

I pulled my phone out and gave the screen a quick glance. "Shit." We had already run longer than I had thought. I was going to be late for work.

Putting it back into my pocket, I had to jog to catch up to Max.

"So what were you about to say?" He questioned teasingly as he put his own phone away.

"Shut up," I muttered under my breath at his amusement. It only made his laughter grow.

When it tapered off into an awkward chuckle, my shoulders tensed as a foreboding feeling followed. Things hadn't been tense between the two of us in over a year.

"Damaris," he started. I instantly knew I wasn't going to like any of the words that were going to follow.

"Are you... alright?"

"Yeah," I answered, my breathing had recovered for the most part. "Why?"

"It's just-" he hesitated. "The past few days you've been a bit... off. You're reminding me of how you used to be."

Before you got better.

He didn't need to say the last part for me to hear it. My mind always added it for me or anyone who didn't want to air the truth. It was a constant reminder that I was broken. That I still was, even if I was doing better than I was two years ago.

I shrugged my shoulders, trying to appear unbothered that I was so easy to ready; that my every fears and worry were so clear for everyone to see. But it was nowhere near the feeling of unease I had been feeling the last few days.

Max was right, I had been acting like I used to. Scared and constantly looking over my shoulder.

The feeling of being watched had only intensified since it had started noticing its growth.

"I am feeling like I used to," I admitted.

That had him pausing.

"Things had gotten better because I got used to them. But now...," my voice trailed off, frightened by my own conclusion. "I think some things changed."

He was silent for a moment, thinking over my words. "Do you think it could be because of them?"

My eyes rose to meet his. "Maybe." Probably.

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