Chapter 18 (Part 3)

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Though a pair of dark sunglasses covered his eyes, I could feel where his gaze was pointed. It brushed over my skin like a feathered touch that left flames burning in their wake. I had to drag my lower lip between my teeth when I felt his focus directed toward them. His eyes were causing my lips to itch in awareness.

Luckily, I had Lola's changing complexion to help distract me.

While she appeared to have seen a ghost at the sight of Kiara, a glance over her shoulder that revealed Luca had her practically becoming one. She quickly jerked away from him while lowering her eyes. I, on the other hand, didn't show further surprise at his appearance. It wasn't much of a surprise that he had shown, just his timing. I had expected him to come, I knew he would the moment I had overheard Kiara scold him and tell him he couldn't. Especially considering how long Kiara had already spent going from shop to shop after telling him no.

Something I had a feeling all three Kings had a problem being told.

The cold princess's eyes narrowed on her fiancé. "Luca. You came." Her dry voice made it clear how unwelcomed his appearance was if her features didn't make it clear.

"Of course," he smoothly answered as he took his sunglasses off and shifted his eyes to her. "I can't leave you two to roam on your own without protection."

"I am the protection."

"We can discuss this later," he replied with a tired sigh. Using the same dry tone she had employed earlier to indicate the end of the conversation.

"Oh, we will be."

"Lola, come, join us for coffee," he said, shifting his attention to the witch who had visible beads of sweat growing at her brow line.

"T-thank you, King L-Luca-"

"Luca," he interrupted to correct her, making her swallow hard. "A friend of Aris is a friend of mine."

The smile he gave her seemed to have the opposite effect of what he was aiming for, unsettling her further instead. She tried to return it, but the waver of her lips gave away her true feelings. Not that the rest of her body wasn't already.

"L-Luca," she said, her shaking smile turning into a pained grimace. It looked like it hurt her to address him without his title. She seemed to pale further as she continued, her eyes glued to the pointed leather shoes adorning his feet. "I'm sorry, but I must decline your invitation. After the way King Alec reneged on his end of the deal he had made with our coven leader, I cannot disrespect her more than I already have with this interaction."

Luca's eyes that had been focused on the top of her lowered head narrowed. Anger sparked within the grey that didn't hold a hint of the black they did the previous day. Or they hadn't until Lola had mentioned his brother. When she did, the light greys darkened in color ever so slightly.

"Alec made another deal with your Coven leader?" He calmly questioned. It only took one look into his eyes to reveal the deception his voice displayed.

"Yes, one that he didn't uphold his end in." Lola had reached the point where she was trembling in her shoes where she stood. I was sure anyone walking by would think we were intimidating or threatening her.

"What deal?" Luca demanded, the softness in his voice disappearing as a hard edge entered his tone.

"I'm sorry, my king," she said, reverting to using his title as the quiver in her voice rose. "but I am not privy to that information."

Her answer had his eyes narrowing further. Though her gaze was focused on his feet, her body tensed further at the shift, feeling it rather than seeing it. The longer he scrutinized her with his driving eyes, the higher her shoulders rose towards her ears.

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