Chapter 18 (Part 2)

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"Hey..." she started as she took another step towards me. It was hesitant like the growing waver in her voice that caused it to crack. "I know how shifters can... get. Especially when it comes to their mates," she said, shuddering as her eyes lost focus on me.

It was now my turn to furrow my brows at her, taking in her unfocused gaze. Suspicion had my eyes narrowing and scrutinized her every move for deception, but all I could see was fear making its way through her body. Her hands at her side began to tremble faintly as a memory seemed to pull her away from the present. A sharp shake of her head had her snapping out of it quickly, but the memory remained with her as she focused on me once again. I could see it in her hardened eyes as they met mine.

Her reaction had sympathy rushing to replace the doubt I had been feeling. The sight was familiar. I had seen it reflecting back at me in the mirror on numerous occasions. The scars marking my thighs rarely failed to make my eyes take on a similar quality as I shut out the memory of how they were created. I had learned to avoid looking at my neck or thighs when I needed to make sure I was presentable.

I couldn't help but sympathize when I knew just how frightening the shifters she was speaking of truly were. Especially since I had now seen the shifted beasts act in violence. Just recalling the blood and death I had witnessed from taking a brief glimpse into a room had my stomach turning. It grew worse when the images of Jace's wolf trying to kill Alec followed. For some reason, that memory was worse than the one of him lunging for me with gleaming fangs.

"They don't understand how frightening they can come across in their... pursuit."

Her words had me raising a brow. "Speaking from experience?"

"No, as a witness. I had a friend who learned she was a mate to a wolf shifter, once."


"She didn't take the news well. Especially considering how it was delivered. And... well, he didn't take her not taking it well, well," she said, her eyes drifting away from me. "He said it was his wolf...." Her eyes grew distant as her words trailed off. "Wolves hate witches..."

"I'm sorry," I said, expressing my condolence. It was my fault she had to draw up such painful memories.

"Don't be. It's not your fault," she said, shaking her head and clearing her throat. "Plus didn't we agree that sorry was a banned word?" She tried to joke, her laugh sounding as forced as it appeared.

Her attempt at trying to lighten the atmosphere only made it grow heavier when the facade dropped. Her eyes darted over my shoulder cautiously as she continued.

"But... if there was anything I could do to stop another story from ending like hers..." Her eyes flicked to mine, conveying the rest of her words silently through her gaze.

Now it was my turn to dart my eyes around the store, seeking out the princess who was also apparently a victim of circumstances. Only her circumstances didn't aline with mine, making her a hindrance. My eyes scanned the area I had last seen her shifting through clothes, but Kiara was nowhere to be seen. When my eyes traveled further into the store, I caught sight of a wall that cut off my line of sight, blocking off part of the men's section.

She must be on the other side.

Instead of feeling some semblance of reassurance that the light music playing throughout the store would cover our hushed voices from that distance, I felt another jab in my chest at the thought of her buying Luca clothes.

My teeth ground together as I averted my eyes from the men's clothing filling the racks. I looked back at Lola, meeting the same eyes that had tried to offer their help two years ago as well, despite me and Max keeping so much from her. A part of me was still reluctant to accept the help that just dropped into my lap like a blessing, but a larger part understood that it may be my only opportunity.

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