Hunger and Harmful

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Things started to happen the day after my partner arrived. First, it was tiny things, my car keys, some food, and some other minor necessities. But then my car went missing. Then my phone, then all of my food and firewood (even the ones outside). I asked her about it. She just looked at me. slowly chewing raw meat. I knew there was something wrong, something very wrong. I asked her again, "Are you sure you are okay?..." she answered in her new, dry voice, "I've always been okay". Creepy. I found my phone later while hiking, in a tall pine far away from the house. I only found it when Diablo started to bark at a tree. I called the police later and told them about my missing items. They called back a day later, saying they found my car deep in the woods, along with everything else (also hidden in trees) but my food and firewood. I told them about my partner and they said that It was not wrong for a person to eat or act differently, they just said couple therapy would help with our problem. I hung up. "Maybe I do need therapy, I'm probably just imagining weird shit." I was going to get Autumn out of my house once and for all, she knew when I needed some space. I just need some space sometimes, and she knows this. But somewhere, in a tiny little corner of my mind, deep inside me, I knew, she was not my partner. She was someone else entirely. I found her outside, sitting back facing me on a stump near the edge of the clearing, heading into the dark forest. I approached her and touched her shoulder. "Autumn, I need you to lea-" she turned to face me. But she did not even look like Autumn anymore, she looked like... "what the..." I gasped. Its neck cracked as it escaped from its human suit, its eyes following me as I tried to back away.  When it was fully out, it resembled an elk on its hind legs with thin, mummified-looking skin and an emaciated body, and a deer skull for a head. it looked at me for a minute, I was much too scared to move, too scared to breathe. This creature was a Wendigo. It would have killed me and eaten me right then if it had not been for Diablo. He was laying on the porch when I approached "Autumn", waiting for me to go back into the house to feed him his dinner.  He rushed forward from the porch, barking wildly, and leaped onto the Wendigo. he bit and scratched it, forcing it to retreat into the forest. I grabbed Diablo, still barking wildly, and ran into the house. Big mistake. I should have gone to the car. But I did not have time, I locked up the house and called the police, hoping against hope that they would answer and come save me. There was no internet. I looked up through a window and was horrified to see the satellite dish was ripped and broken and dangling from a few wires of my roof. I checked my food, The wendigo had eaten every last bit of it. Even the freaking dog food. I knew we would not have long, but anything was better than going outside. Then I remembered, I still had the Cellar! I had not told "Autumn" about it! maybe there was some food down there... I checked. "Hell yeah! FOOD!" I practically screamed. The cellar was stocked full of emergency food (in case of an earthquake or fire, we live in California after all). "I'm a goddamn genius," I said to myself as I gathered some of the delicious (canned) food laid before me. Even in a corner, I found extra firewood! we were saved! But I knew that even the largest amount of food will not last forever. Dusk and night came. The wendigo was still circling the house, like a large, underfed vulture stalking an old, weak animal. Sometimes looking through the windows to stare at me with its dark, lifeless eyes. (I soon closed all the curtains, should have done that before) I stood my ground, what else could I do? I thought I was safe inside. But I was wrong. The next night I woke up to a large CRASH, the wendigo had found a way in.

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