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I went down to the basement and saw Ryder and Cecil there. Blaze was tied up in the corner. Unfortunately, he was awake.

"You traitor!" he shouted at Ryder.

"I'm not a traitor. I was never on your side to begin with."

Even though I was mad at Ryder, I guess he's feeling guilty. I might as well try to forgive him since he had a good reason for not saying anything about the plan.

"Why don't we just kill him right now?" Cecil suggested.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." he growled.

"Well, you're not me, are you?" she replied.

"He might know where Drake is." I interrupted. "Not yet."

I walked up to Blaze. "Where is he?"

"I don't know."

"Bull. You know where he is. Him and the council are working together. And since you're council president, you should know where he is."

"I honestly don't know. He said things weren't going exactly as planned and he just disappeared."

I folded my arms and glared at him. "And what's the plan?"

"To kill you."

"Great. I already knew that."

"He's not going to say anything. I don't know anything about it either. You, Alec, Lance, and Cecil might as well head out already to look for Drake."

I turned to Ryder. "Okay. Let's go, Cecil."

"Oh, Lilly. I packed some stuff for you. Like food and first aid kits. It's by the front door. There's one for each of you."

"Thanks, Ryder." I would have smiled normally, but a lot had happened. I don't think I'll smile for a while.

Ryder suddenly came up and hugged me. "Be careful." he whispered so no one else would hear.

"I'm going to sneak you guys out through the gates once you're all ready to go. Then go to Cecil's town. He's probably there."

I barely nodded and Ryder stepped back. He patted my shoulder and gently pushed me and Cecil out the door.

We headed back to the kitchen. I immediately looked around and almost sighed in relief. They hadn't fought.

"We're leaving." I announced. "Ryder is going to sneak us out so get ready."

Turns out, none of us wanted to wait any longer. Making sure Blaze was all tied up, we left the house. Ryder led us to a side gate where there was less guards.

"Just climb over the fence while I distract them." he told us. "After that, you're on your own."

I nodded and he stepped out of the shadows and approached the guards. He stopped on their right so we could escape behind their backs. Once he started talking, we ran silently to the fence. I was first, so I jumped and grabbed the edge. Below me was Alec and he was shoving my feet up. Then I was over the fence, rolling to soften the impact and to muffle the sound of my landing. Behind me, Alec landed. Then Cecil and last was Lance.

We hurried toward the woods, where no one could see us.

"Cecil, do you know which way your town is?" I asked. At the same time, my hand unconsciously went to my sword. The woods are dangerous, after all. Except my hand closed around air.

I groaned aloud.

"What's wrong?" Alec asked.

"Weapons. I forgot to get some." I started looking through the backpack but there weren't any weapons. Both Alec and Cecil sighed. They didn't have any either. How could we forget the most important thing we'll ever need? I looked at Lance. He held up his sword.

"You only have that one?" I said.

"Yeah, only this."

"We might as well keep going." Cecil said. "It's too late to turn back anyway."

She had a point. "Okay, lead the way, Cecil."

"Actually . . . I don't know where it is." she admitted.

Things just keep getting better and better, don't they?

"Oh wait." I said as a thought occured to me. "It's just beyond the forest, right?"

Cecil nodded.

"Good. We just need to get beyond the forest. Three sides are covered with mountains so there's only one way to go."

And so we started walking that way. Nothing really happened. We didn't run into any monsters or Drake. I guess we'd have to walk all the way to Cecil's town.

The sun eventually came up and we stopped for a break at a river. We were all tired but you have no idea how hard it was for me. My ribs were killing me. It was hard to breathe which made it hard to walk. To top it all off, my injuries from recent fights such as the ones with monsters and/or humans weren't still completely healed.

So basically, out of everone here, I was the most hurt. Which meant I was the most weak. Of course, I didn't show this to anyone. No one thought I was in any pain.

I felt really sleepy. I don't think any of us got any sleep except me. But since my wounds were wearing me out faster than normal, I was sleepy too. I yawned and stared lazily at the river. Nearby, I heard someone yawn. Two minutes later, I heard another yawn.

"Quit yawning." I snapped, annoyed.

"You're the one who started it." Alec pointed out, rubbing his eyes.

"That doesn't mean everyone has to start yawning. You're making me sleepy!"

"Then we should rest." Lance said. And guess what he did next? He freaking yawned.

I glared at him. "What? Yawning is contagious." he said defensively.

Suddenly, Cecil burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I demanded.

She shook her head, unable to say anything. Great. We're all sleepy, I'm sore, and we have someone laughing hysterically for no apparent reason.

"Let's rest here, guys." I ignored Cecil because she was still laughing at me.

"Sorry, it's just that you should have seen your face when Lance yawned. You looked so . . . frustrated!" And with that, Cecil started laughing again.

I guess we all couldn't help it. I found myself smiling and soon enough everyone else was too.

"Stupid yawning." I muttered but for some reason, I was still smiling.

Things would never be the same without Luke. But maybe life wouldn't be too terrible. Sure, it sucks and I'm sad all the time, but maybe sometimes we could all be happy for a moment. We could all just sit here laughing.

That is, until something exploded in the water and a huge monster shot out. It landed nearby and perched on top of it was Drake.

Well, this is my life we're talking about. No way good times like that are going to last.

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