Chapter 5

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Two weeks later...


Two weeks recently past and my job was going great so far...but not the drama between me and Austin. I couldn't imagine the pain of called a crippled girl that couldn't entertain a man in bed. Trust me it was worst saying I couldn't bare.

"Did you do what I ordered?" My boss asked me. I hardly forgot what to say to him."Ooh yes...I did." I answered. Waiting for him to ask me another job to do. I wasn't all excited today but I just really love Austin... With all my heart. His just being a dick lately.

I was sent to get him his morning coffee as soon as possible. When I did, I was kind of in a harry to get all my job done and go home early without a fuss. I entered his office and walked over to him. He was standing close to his desk with a pissed grin on his face. Had something happened to him?

When I got closer to eyes wided when I tripped on the carpet. I managed to hold my balance at ease...but when my eyes landed on Luca's suite the coffee spelt on him. I gasped at what I just did to my boss.

Holy shiiiit what have I done!

His face suddenly went from pissed to raging anger. The way he breathed at me showed he wanted to kill me,his eyes darkened with a lust of death at me and his hand made balls of fists. Ooh God I can't feel my legs. I tried to get close to him and do something about his suite.

"Don't fucking come near me!" He yelled at me. His voice made me back away with a stumble. " sorr_"I tried to plead for his forgiveness but he took one step, pointing a finger and I constantly got scared.

"Get.the.fuck.out of here. Before I...end you!" He raged.I instantly ran to door and got out with out looking back at him. I didn't know he had a very serious short temper...I was shaking like I was in winter. Though he has the most sexiest temper I have ever seen in my life.

Time was quickly going so fast that I was afraid of Luca calling me was typing an article with shaking finger tips. I hardly thought straight. Worse Austin was just ignoring me during lunch and not even answering my calls after the way I cried to him last night for him to stop the torture his giving as his girlfriend.

Then...a ringing sound come on my phone. It must the manager. I picked it up without scanning the caller."Hello. Am miss Sophie Harrison...the PA for Mr.Luca my i help you." I said with a steady voice. Okay I think at alright now.

"To my" A voice spoke of death at me....I gasped. Luca Martel ordered me to his office.

Am a huge gonner.

The boss I fell for after high school.Where stories live. Discover now