2. Him.

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"Birmingham baby!" Katie shouts as we drive past the sign making everyone scream as Hazel records me. "We've got to stop at mine first if that's alright, Jack's not there so you don't have to worry about that." Katie says making me laugh.

"It's been years, we've grown up. But thank you for telling me." I whisper the last part making them laugh as I pick Star up and put her on my lap. "Nah, he's in London right now training." She says making me nod. "So, how's Hugo?" I ask Katie making her smile. "He's good, he's been looking after the dogs while I was gone." She says making me chuckle. "And Ryan?" I ask Hazel.

"He's good, he's up in Yorkshire right now on a business trip, he should be home tonight though." She says making me smile. "God I love those boys." I smile as I look out the window and drive past the girls old school making me instantly remember that first day with Jack, the first time I actually ever believed all men weren't dicks.

"How did Lucas take the news of you coming here?" Katie asks making me shrug. "I didn't tell him." I say making her roll her eyes. "Don't act like you don't like him." She says making me shake my head. "I don't, we have our fun whenever we are in the same place, but it's never been serious, we both know that." I say making her look at the road again.

"So why are we going to yours first?" I ask. "Mums been messaging me all morning saying she can't wait to see you." Katie says making me smile. "Let's go to mama Jules." I say making them nod. We drive straight to Julie's house, we text mum and she's says she will meet us there.

When we arrive we see mum and dad are already here. We get straight out and Julie and mum are stood at the door, I smile and run straight into their arms. "My baby." Julie says making me smile. "Look at you, you look so beautiful." She says making me blush. "You look fatter." Mum says making Julie hit her arm.

"No, I mean in a good way." She says making me smile and kiss her cheek. "Thank you, I've been trying." I say making them smile at me. "Ivy!" Gavin says making me laugh before he picks me up into his arms and spins me around. "Well done for winning the Grammy, everyone was rooting for you. Everyone in the pub erupted." He says making me smile. "You made the whole pub watch it?" I laugh. "It was where you used to work, they wanted to watch it, they put banners up and everything." Dad says making me smile.

"Can we go there tonight, we'll do the Italian tomorrow?" I ask making them all laugh. "Of course, everything is up to you." Julie says before kissing my head. "Come on, I'll make a cuppa." She says making me smile as we go in.

As soon as Hazel puts Star down she starts running around and sniffing everything. This was her first home, she came back here after we got her and we lived here until the house was ready. I found out a few years ago the Jack still lives at the house, Katie said he couldn't get rid of it, he said it was always his home.

"Did you miss being here baby?" Julie asks Star as she lays on the floor playing with her. Star instantly jumps up onto the couch, right to Jack's spot and starts sniffing around. "You miss daddy?" I ask as I sit next to her, she spins around and lays her head on the pillow. "Me too bubs." I whisper as I kiss her head. Everyone comes in after us with their mugs, Hazel hands me mine and sits next to me.

"She's found her spot." Gavin laughs at Star. "Daddy's spot." I smile as I stroke her head. Everyone looks at each other, not sure what to say. "You lot." I say before laughing making them smile and laugh.

We sit around and catch up on everything, I see these guys all the time, Julie and Gavin come down to Bournemouth every time I'm back home, they always bring Star back up so she can see Jack and then I meet them in London whenever I head back to New York.

"Right, I need another cuppa." I say before standing up and grabbing everyone's mugs, Star instantly follows me to the kitchen, I boil the kettle and refill Stars water bowl. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I pout at her and I cross my arms and try not to smile.

Her head turns to the back door as does mine and my heart drops when I see him. "Hey." He says breathlessly with a smile. "Hey." I breath out, relieved."

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