Birdsong [CanaryRaid]

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[Lyric key:
Bold: Skyraid
Italic: Canary
Bold+Italic: Canary+Skyraid ]

"Skyraid,this concert is going to be a flaming mess JUST because you didnt bring the lyrics." A yellow and blue aerielbot followed behind a larger red and grey seeker who was fumbling with a small stack of datapads.
"Its going to be fine! We can just wing it with a human song!"The seeker smiled,pulling out a maroon datapad and opening its contents.
The yellow jet scoffed,crossing his arms as they paced through a bustling plaza.
"Your getting the main parts then,this is your idea." He growled.
The grey and red seeker didnt respond,they reached a small stand with curtains and fog lights,a patch on the plaza they assumably bought. "Its called Hollywoods bleeding,tacky but it should get some of the decepticons here."The seeker said,bending down and opening a case. He pulled out a glossy blue guitar and began tuning it,strumming it ocassionaly.
"Can you work on the drum set this time? The guitar is way out if wack." He grumbled,tuning it with a annoyed gesture. The small yellow and blue bot nodded understandingly and headed to the red and silver drum set,picking up a pair of sticks and checking the symbols.
"Your lucky I can play this terrible excuse of a drum set and sing at the same time,Sky."the mech smiled,tapping his foot on a pedal below and getting a low noise to come out.
The large jet burst out laughing,standing up with the guitar in his arms,it wasnt a full sized one so you could only assume the two had swapped instruments.
"I'm all ready!" Canary smiled finnaly,pulling a hanging microphone close and eyeing Skyraid.
"One more second," The mech mumbled,pulling a mic up to himself and strumming the guitar a few more times.
Bots gathered below the stage,most of them being post war vehicons with autobot scouts mixed in. It was rare to see them so close together,the pairs music in the plaza kept the fighting low and reduced stress. Half these mechs hadn't heard singing until skyraid and canary started setting their small business up. Less of a business as they resorted on donations,though they receive a livable amount.

"Okay,here we go." Skyraid nodded to canary,whispering so the crowd didnt hear.
Canary nodded back in understanding,he began tapping the symbol as skyraid did the silent countdown.

"Hollywoods bleeding,vampires feeding,"
"Darkness turns to dust."
"Everyone's gone but no one's leaving,"
"Riding on the last train home."
"Dyin in our sleep,were living in a dream,"

"We only make it out alone."

Mechs watched from all around,some showing extreme interest while others just nodded to it silently. They already accumulated multiple donations on the first verse and continued with the performance.

"I just keep on hopin' that you call me,"
"You say you wanna see me,but you cant right now"
"You never took the time to get to know me,"
"Were scared of losing something that we never found."

"Were running out of reasons but we cant let go,"

"Yeah,Hollywood is bleeding,but we call it home"

The crowd almost went berserk,canary could notice some of the merchants behind their stands clapping. It was a good night to be out,stars in the galaxy twinkled above and glow bugs flitzed around frantically.
"Your human song looks like it did the trick."Canary smiled,nudging a waving Skyraid.
Skyraid grinned wider,pulling canary into a quick bow. He grabbed the donation box and shouted to the crowd,"Thank you everybody,this performance was a true honor and we couldnt have made it this far without your support and generosity!"

"Thank you!"
Skyraid laughed,pulling canary behind into the storage shed. "Sky,I hope nobody saw you do that!" Canary snickered,taking the donation box and setting it on a shelf with some props and more shanix.
"Wait,what did we get?"Skyraid looked curious for a moment,until Canary didnt respond.
"A kiss" he almost burst out laughing,pulling the taller mech down to his level and kissing him. Skyraid pulled back,a but flustered,optics rounded as he looked at the smaller jet.
"Tch,we got a little more than that." He retorted to the comment and wrapped his arms around Canary,lifting him up. "Oh frag you!"Canary smiled,putting his hands on Skyraid chest panel. "I'm not opposed to that,"


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