Can't stop you

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[Pete's POV]

"Vegas, I know it's you. Stop hiding and face me". It's been a few days and I could feel a shadow is chasing me everywhere I'm going. I cannot concentrate. My trauma is coming around, the heartache too. It's not right. I'm free now but why am I feeling chained again? I was trying to chase the shadow down at first because I thought someone was following me. That psycho Vegas might have sent men to kidnap me maybe. But I smelled something on the place he was hiding- something very familiar. Vegas' perfume. Finally I caught him hiding in an alley today. I deliberately came out alone as I had to talk to him.

I tried my best to hide my feelings. To be okay. The trauma that he gave me, I can't get away from that easily. Maybe never. But all I wanted was to see his face. Macau told me he escaped from the hospital, and from then he has been following me everywhere. Did he eat? Is his wound alright? Is he okay? I can't stop thinking about these. And he didn't attack me at all. There were times when he could have easily abducted me, but he didn't. As if he's just there to watch me from afar. It breaks my heart. I can't forget his tears when he told me that he loves me. It made me wake up from sleep for several days now. How betrayed he might have felt? He must hate me now right? Everyone left him and so did I. He should hate me. Why is he still here? Is he planning his revenge? Whatever it is, everytime I see this shadow I feel an uncomfortable tingle in my heart. This can't go on forever. I need to face it. Even if he kills me it's alright.

"Vegas, I am telling you to come out. Let's talk." I call him once again.

The shadow starts moving towards me and my heart is pounding in anticipation. It was not after seconds that I got to see his figure and my just breaks at the sight. A pale, weak Vegas stands in front of me. His eyes glistening very sadly at me and he laughs. It's a very sad smile and I could feel he is broken. He is completely broken. This is not the monster who tortured me. This is the broken boy from when his father beat him. It's the same expression when he said he's alone in the world, if not worse. The feelings that I have been trying to hide behind my traumas come back. How can I hate him if he appears in front of me in this state?

I love him. I can't deny it to myself anymore. Looking at him like this, I am sure he didn't eat any proper meal these days, didn't even go home. The man who can't tolerate a single crease on his bedsheet, the neat freak, is standing in front of me as if he escaped prison. The bandage on his head isn't changed for days and blood spots are visible.What have you done to yourself Vegas? I hate to see you like this.

We stay in silence for a while, just staring at each other's face. Nobody says a single word. "Let's go somewhere to talk." The silence is unbearable so I had to say something.

Vegas follows me as I came out of the alley. I can feel his stare on my back all along till we reach the riverside. I sit on a bench and he silently sits on the other side. The gap is very much visible, as if he is distancing himself from me. Then why are you following me these days you bastard!

"Since you're following me, there must be something you want. Tell me." I say to break the silence. I try to have a confident tone so that he doesn't think I'm the same weak Pete whom he captivated.

"I just wanted to have a talk." He mutters almost inaudibly but it was enough to make me hear.

"So we're talking, finish it fast." I say in an ordering tone. It's always him ordering me so a change is good right? We are looking at the sunset but I can't stop looking at his sad face again and again through the corner of my eye.

"So now you're ordering me?" , Vegas chuckles but his head is still facing the ground. The chuckle sounds sad. Why is everything sad around him? He looks like he will break down in tears anytime soon. It breaks my heart. He again stays in silence and I too don't say anything. I know he needs time to suppress his tears and I need time to suppress mine also. I miss him. I really do miss him a lot. But I can't say it. I can't get back to where I was. That is not where I belong to.

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