Chapter 41

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A few hours earlier

Iwaizumi and Daichi gathered the group together at the far end of the beach where they were sure no one could listen to their conversation.

"Before any of you freak out, we have something that we need to discuss" Daichi began, "earlier today I found surveillance camera's hidden in all of the bedrooms and the living area's of both houses." "What?" Suga gasped. "Someone has been watching us."

"Who the hell would want to do that?" Atsumu shrieked. "Ryu" Oikawa replied, looking extremely shaken. "So you're saying that he's been in the houses?" Suna asked, "but when? When did he have time to do that?"

Iwaizumi looked at Oikawa with a worried expression, "the only time that the houses were completely empty was the day that were on the boat. He must have been watching us."

"Yeah, that's normal for him" Oikawa answered, obviously dazed. "Wait!" Suga gasped, "that's the day my ring went missing. That fucker took it." Suga changed from a sad, tearful boy to a raging, homicidal man. "I'll fucking destroy him when we find his sorry ass."

"Firstly, we have to find a way to get him to show himself" Iwa began, "and secondly we need evidence to get him arrested."
"Use me" Kawa blurted out, "we can use his cameras against him." "How?" Kuroo asked.

They all sat for a while thinking and then Kawa shrieked, "I have an idea." "Spill, bestie" Atsumu said, obviously getting excited in the prospect of teaching the sick individual a lesson.

"We're going to pretend to go out to a restaurant but that I'm too sick to go" the brunette began. "But surely he won't believe that we'd all leave you whilst he's around?" Bokuto mused. "Why? He doesn't know that we've found the cameras so if I talk you all into going as I'm just gonna sleep, he won't think that there's anything wrong."

"I don't know. I don't like leaving you alone" Iwa said kissing the boys cheek. "I'll be fine. We need to strategically place some items to cover the cameras that are at the front entrance so that you can get back in without him seeing you and don't make it too obvious."

"I don't like this Kawa" Suga grumbled, "he's dangerous, he's willing to go as far as planting camera's to watch us." Oikawa grabbed the boys hands, "Suga, I can't let the people that I love be dragged into this bullshit just because he can't stand losing. This needs to end before someone gets hurt. Okay?" Suga smiled at his friend, "when did you get so strong Tooru?". Oikawa giggled softly and answered, "I'm not strong, I'm just surrounded by people who are. People who have always supported me no matter what." "Group hug" Bokuto shouted as they all hugged, laughed and then returned to the beach houses.

Hours later

"That's it whore, I'm going to punish you for that" Ryu spat at Oikawa raising his fist to hit him again. However .....

"The bedroom door came flying off it's hinges as 15 boys ran through it. Leading the charge was Iwaizumi and Suga as they launched themselves at the shocked intruder.

He was tackled to the ground as the others ripped off his trousers to locate the key for the handcuffs. Suga was the first to land a punch closely followed by Iwaizumi.

Akaashi found the key and unlocked the cuffs around Oikawas wrists. They boy was bruised and bleeding but was also extremely relieved that his friends had made it.

From the stairwell, footsteps could be heard and shouting "Police, everyone put your hands behind your heads. The boys followed the instructions as Ryu was taken away, " this isn't the end bitch" he screamed. "Oh I'll think you'll find it is bitch" Oikawa shouted back as he was wrapped in Iwaizumi's safe embrace.

THEY MET AT THE BEACHWhere stories live. Discover now