Chapter 69

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After breakfast the boys gathered their belongings and climbed aboard their transport back to the beach house for their last 2 weeks of summer break.

Iwa noticed that Kawa had been extremely quiet all morning and he had been fidgety in bed the night before. As the boy looked at the brunette closely he noticed that he was pale, he looked tired and on edge but he couldn't for the life of him decide what was wrong.

"You okay babe" he asked quietly whilst gently entwinging their fingers. "I'm fine Iwa chan, just a little tired" he replied. Iwa knew something was wrong as the boy hadn't even attempted a smile, not even a fake one. So as the brunette turned to watch the scenery out of the window he texted Suga.


IWA - Hey Suga, do you know if something is going on with Tooru?

SUGA - I don't know. Why what's wrong with him?

IWA - He's been really quiet all morning and he looks pale and tired. I'm worried about him.

SUGA - Tell him that you need to see Daichi about something and we'll swap seats for a bit and I'll try and get it out of him.

IWA - Okay. Thanks Suga

"Tooru, I need to go and see Daichi about something. Will you be okay for a bit?" the boy asked. Kawa turned to his lover and replied, "Mmm, yeah" and then returned to watching the scenery go by.

Iwa stood up and walked over to Suga and Daichi, he was certain now that something was wrong with his boyfriend. He and Suga swapped seats without another word but the grey haired boy squeezed Iwa's hand on the way past as if trying to say 'It'll be okay'.

"You okay bro?" Daichi asked the spiky haired boy who was sat beside him. "Something feels off with Kawa but he won't tell me, does that mean he doesn't trust me?" Daichi could tell that his friend felt useless and extremely hurt. "Don't think like that bro. I'm sure he trusts you, he probably doesn't want to burden you with anything." The boys spent the next 20 minutes talking about trivial things like the weather but the feeling of dread didn't leave Iwa's mind.

"Hey babe" Suga said whilst plopping in the seat at the side of his friend. Kawa turned slightly to look at his friend and Suga gasped as he saw the brunettes tear stained face. "What's wrong Tooru" he asked whilst pulling the boy into a hug.

Kawa sobbed quietly for a few minutes until he eventually calmed down. "Tell me what's wrong hun" the boy whispered. "I'm scared of going back to the beach house." "Why?" the grey haired boy asked. "I haven't been able to sleep properly since Ryu came back and the beach house is where he attacked me and nearly killed Hajime and I'd die if anything ever happened to him" Kawa explained.

"He's gone Tooru. He can't hurt you anymore" Suga replied giving the boys hand a quick squeeze. "You know Iwa's really worried about you?" Kawa looked at his friend and asked, "did he ask you to come over?" "Yeah he did, I think he feels like you can't tell him when things are bothering you and he really want's to be there for you." "I know but I don't want him to think that being with me means that he'll have to deal with crap everyday. I don't want him to hate me" he whimpered.

"He loves you Tooru. I mean really loves you" Suga smiled at the boy. "Will you ask him to come back please" the brunette asked. Just as the silver haired boy turned to walk away Kawa gently grabbed his hand. He turned around and was met with his friends gentle smile, "thank you Suga." "You're welcome hun" he replied and returned to his seat.

Kawa couldn't help but feel nervous about his boyfriend returning to his seat, but he was. The dark haired boy plopped into the seat next to the brunette and pulled him close. "Are you okay Tooru" he asked quietly. He noticed the boy take a deep breath and he began to unburden himself.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you what was wrong but I didn't want you to think that being with me would be too hard for you to handle." "I could never think that" Iwa replied kissing the boys forehead.

"I've been having nightmares about going back to the beach house" he started, "because that's were Ryu assaulted me and where I thought I'd lost yo...u" his voice cracked under the emotion. Iwa's eyes widened, he hadn't realised the tremendous effect that his near death experience had on the brunette.

"I'm so sorry I worried you" Iwa whispered, his heart felt like it was being wrenched out of him. He had known from the start that Kawa loved him but he always thought that he felt a lot more for the brunette and now he realised just how much they meant to each other.

"You didn't do anything wrong Hajime but I realised there and then that I'd die without you" Kawa sobbed. Iwa cupped the boys face in his hands and kissed him like he never had before, it took Kawa's breath away.

They eventually pulled away and Iwa smiled brightly at the boy. "I'm not going anywhere, ever. Okay?" "Okay" Kawa answered back with a sweet smile.

Iwa's phone buzzed and he looked away from the brunette to read it. "How do you feel about sharing a room with Daichi and Suga" he asked. "But they share with Sakusa and Atsumu" Kawa answered. "They do but Atsumu has offered to move into our old room so you don't have to be in the room where your psycho ex was."

"That would be amazing Hajime" Kawa answered as Iwa texted his silver haired friend back to thank him.....

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