Ch 1. How Strange

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The day was growing long. How long had he been standing behind that cash register? Eight, no..nine hours maybe? He wanted to just clock out and leave already, but that wasn't possible at the moment because that asshole Noiz was running late, again. Aoba was getting weary, it was then that he finally heard the glorious sound of the front door ringing.
"Noiz! Where the fuck have you been?!"
"I had a run-in on my way here. It's no big deal"
"No big deal? It is to me. And what do you mean you had a 'run-in' ?!"
The familiar chiming of the front door rang throughout the music store once more. Some customers had arrived.
"..Why don't you head on out Aoba. You look tired as shit."
Aoba just gave him a slight glare. He was right though, some decent food and sleep would do him good. Aoba said nothing more as he clocked out and exited the overrated music store. The sun was setting, giving the sky a beautiful array of colors. Maybe he'd take the long way home, through the park.
'What did he mean he had a run-in? I hope Noiz isn't starting trouble again..'
He sat down on a metal bench, his home was still a good fifteen blocks from here. He didn't get out much, so he might as well enjoy the scenery.
"Uhm..e-excuse me..?" came a muffled voice from beside the blue haired boy. Aoba turned to look at the figure and nearly fell back off his seat.
"Ahh! Uh h-hello. You startled me."
He studied the oddly dressed boy. He had what seemed to be a lab coat and gas mask. Just what was going on?
"I'm truly sorry for scaring you, mister, but I believe you dropped this?"
Aoba took a glance down at the gloved hand which was wrapped around his very own cellular device. Just when did he drop that?
"Oh! Thank you so much-"
"Clear. The name I was given is Clear"
'Weird introduction' Aoba thought.
"..thank you Clear. I'm Aoba, it's nice to meet you. If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing a gas mask?"
"Do you not like it?"
"I-it's not that!! It'd just be nicer if I could see your face.."
"You don't want to see that, Aoba-san"
"Well why not?.. and you can just call me Aoba.."
"It's unsightly. I wouldn't want to scare you away, Aoba-san"
Aoba had to admit, this was getting creepy. Yet it was so..intriguing.
"I doubt that, I can assure you there's nothing to be afraid of. Whatever is hidden behind that mask is less strange than the mask itself."
"Perhaps I'll show you another time, Aoba-san."
He was now confused, and a little disappointed. Though he had to respect this stranger, you can't really approach people and just ask them to take their clothes a sense. By now it was dark, he should probably get home.
"Okay, if that's your choice. I should probably head home now, it was nice meeting you though, Clear"
He stood up and started to turn away.
"Oh and, thanks again, for finding my phone."
He felt arms wrap around his waist, Clear was..hugging him?
"I do hope we cross paths again soon, Aoba-san. Farewell master"
He was released from Clear's grasp and started to turn towards the white haired boy, stunned to find he was no longer there.
"Did any of that just happen.."
He whispered to himself as he turned towards home.
How incredibly strange.

Is There Something I Should Know? (Aoba X Clear Modern! AU)Where stories live. Discover now