Ch.6 New Feelings

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Aoba's POV

I awoke the next morning to find precious red eyes staring back at me.
'Oh that's right, last night..'
My heart was racing. Had I taken it too far last night? Should I have pushed the boundaries?
"Good morning Clear."
"Good morning Aoba-san! Did you sleep okay?"
"Ahh, in fact I did."
"I'm glad."
He leaned over and placed a chaste kiss upon my lips and then skipped out of the room.
'Well, that was unexpected.'
I got up and dressed myself, today was my day off so I tied my hair back and wore comfortable clothes.
I headed downstairs to find Clear scrambling eggs on the stove top.
"You cook?"
"A bit, yeah."
I looked around, noticing a certain long haired kimono wearing jackass was no where to be found.
"Have you seen Koujaku?"
"Oh! He left this for you, said he'd be back in a few days. Not sure what for Aoba-san."
He handed me an old receipt with some writing on the back.
'Couldn't find a decent sticky note huh?'
I looked over it's contents in which it said:
'Aoba, Mink called. He's having some car trouble and needed help. He broke down a few towns over so I agreed to go help him out. Might stop in a hotel for a night or so. Do the dishes. Don't get in any shady business with that boyfriend of yours. See ya.
"Looks to me like Koujaku skipped town to pick up his prison lover. So it's just you and me Clear."
"Prison lover..?"
"Never mind that. So how about that breakfast hmm?"
"Ahh! Right here you go!"
He bowed towards me apologetically.
I pat his head.
"No need, eat."
I turned on the TV so we wouldn't eat in silence, just the daily news channel.
We finished and Clear went to grab my plate but I stopped him abruptly.
"No way. You cooked, I'll clean."
"But Aoba-" he protested.
"Go chill on the couch Clear. We can start a new Netflix series if you wish."
He did as requested and left me to clean. After I finished I joined him on the sofa to see the show he picked.
"Supernatural huh?"
"It piqued my interest."
"Good choice."
From there we stayed nearly the whole day on the couch. It was a nice alternative, being able to take a lazy day out to binge watch Netflix. Throughout the course of our showing it seemed as though we inched closer on the couch. So much that I found my head resting on the smooth shoulder of the male next to me. He grasped my hand and his thumbs rubbed gently over my knuckles. It felt so serene. So..soothing. His sent was so, alluring. I must've dozed off because the sounds of the Winchester boys stopped, and I felt firm hands carrying me bridal style to my bed. My back hit the mattress and sheets were thrown over my slim body. I felt hot lips nudge my forehead and begin to part. He was about to leave when I opened my eyes and grasped onto that crisp white button-up I was so familiar with. I yanked him down so that his body fell on mine and I could feel his weight pushing down on me.
"Aoba! You're awake.."
"Don't go."
I needed him.
"Wha- what I-"
"I want you."
"I'm not sure I know what you mean by that Aoba-san.."
By now he was blushing, and if I knew any better I was too. But I had no control of my mind. Something just keeps gravitating me towards this snowy white haired boy. I want to be more than friends.
"Please.." I pulled his ear towards my lips.
"Fuck me." I whispered huskily.
His eyes widened for a second, before glazing over in amusement. I must've hit a switch, because I could tell he was all for it.
"As you wish, Master."
His hot lips trailed my neck, stopping every so often to leave a gentle lovebite.
He reached a spot near my collarbone and I twitched slightly, which he took great notice in and decided to bite down.
"Ahh!" I yelped slightly.
"Shhhh. Let me take care of you, Aoba-san."
His hands trailed down my sides, tossing the covers away. He then snaked his hands over my stomach, lifting my shirt over my head. His hands grazed the surface of my chest before latching his lips onto one of my hardened buds. My breath hitched and I ran my slender fingers through his soft white hair.
He sat back onto my lap.
"Aoba-san, undress me."
I nodded and my fingers went to work. I shook slightly in anticipation as I unlatched each plastic button. I hesitated for a moment, noticing the scars once more. I looked up into his eyes and he just roughly attached his lips to mine. He pushed for entrance which I granted him. His hot muscle searched the space of my mouth claiming the newfound territory. My hand reached around, grasping his tender bottom. He gasped slightly and gnawed at my lip. We pulled apart to discard the last of our clothing, only to come together again like refrigerator magnets. He pushed me down into the mattress, kissing down my chest. He glanced up at my glazed-over eyes as he grabbed my shaft slightly, licking the tip. I sucked in my breath as he descended upon me, taking me in full.
My hands wound their way through his hair, encouraging him further. He let one hand drift to my rear, pushing down on my opening with the tip of his thumb. A strange sensation was washing over me. He was taking me to my brink with every tender gesture. He kept at this for some time.
"C-Clear! I-I ahh.."
I spilled over into his mouth. He had anticipated this and to my surprise swallowed with ease. He came to greet my lips with his once more, allowing me to taste my remnants.
It was all quite humorous. How we ended up here I don't know. This quirky boy I met in the park not too long ago was about to be inside me. I guess that's what life is about, taking chances to see where you end up. Making that one decision that could change everything after. Clear rolled me over on my side and pushed my leg up above his shoulder. He looked into my eyes once more, searching deeply for any signs of regret or change in heart. Of course, there was none. I wanted him. I needed him. I nodded him on. He took no hesitation in diving into my very being. I yelped out in pain but covered my mouth with my hand. He bit down on my shoulder to distract me from the pain emitting from my rear. He moved slowly, trying to be gentle. The pain was starting to fade and I pushed myself down on him, signaling him to move faster. He complied. It became completely euphoric. He thrusted, over and over again.
"Y-Yes! Clear!"
"Master..ahh.. Aoba-san...I'm-"
He hunched over me, his whole body quaking. He released inside of me and just sat there for a second. He pulled out and plopped down next to me. We were both panting, not sure what to say. I nuzzled over into his chest, grabbing the sheets and tossing them over us. He kissed the top of my head and we drifted off into deep slumber.

No words. Just feeling.

Is There Something I Should Know? (Aoba X Clear Modern! AU)Where stories live. Discover now