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Hamtaro's POV

"Sparkle, Do you know anything about the accident? ~ nanoda." I asked her.

"A bit.." Sparkle responded.

"Please we would like to know!" Pashmina said.

"Our producer, Hiro Kawai he was late. He was driving and then a car crashed into him. The driver wasn't hurt, But Hiro Kawai was seriously hurt. Glitter was pretty unhappy about the accident. The play we were staring in had to be cancelled." Sparkle said.

"Awwwww What a bummer in a summer!" Cappy said.

"Sparkle are you bummed?" Panda asked.

"No! Of course not!" Sparkle said.

"At least I get to see the hams hams! ~ nano!" Sparkle added.

She got real happy quickly! I was thinking. Maybe we should play a game. Or do a play! Or go on a walk!

"Hey guys! What should we do today?" I asked.

"A play!" Pashmina and Sandy said.

"Okwee! Okwee!" Penelope agreed.

"A game!" Bijou and Sparkle said.

"A walk!" The boys shouted.

Hmmmnmm.. What should I choose? A play sounds like fun. Lets do it!

"A play!" I answered.

"What kind of play?" Boss asked.

"A play about a princess and a prince!" I answered.

"Who should be prince?" Dexter asked.

"I vote Hamtaro-kun!" Sparkle and Bijou said.

"Maxwell should be prince!" Sandy looked at Maxwell and blushed.

"How about Hamtaro be prince?" Boss said.

Everyone except Dexter Howdy, Maxwell and Sandy agreed.

"Whos gonna be princess?" I asked.

"Sparkle!" Everyone except Bijou shouted.

Sparkle blushed, She didn't say anything. Neither did I.

Everyone helped Panda build a setting for the play.

"Who is going to be the Dragon?" Bijou asked.

Howdy voulenteered.





We started the play.

Sparkle was on a castle trapped. The Dragon was blocking the way to the castle. I used my sword and defeated the Dragon.

"Hamtaro my hero!" Sparkle swooned.

I went to the castle and got Sparkle out of the castle. As a reward, She kissed me on the cheek. I blushed.

"I am very happy my Princess is okay!" Bijou said.

"Princess Sparkle! You are alive! All thanks to Prince Hamtaro!" Boss said.
Wow these ham hams really have good acting!

Everyone left the Clubhouse except for Sparkle and Boss.

I wonder why Sparkle didnt leave. She would probably get Glitter worried.

Laura's House.

"Hamtaro!" Laura said. "I really had a great day! Travis kissed me on the cheek! And Kana FINALLY admitted she liked Roberto!"

Heke? Who's Roberto? Kana in love?

Minna! I hoped you liked this chapter!

Hamtaro: Sparkle the MatchmakerWhere stories live. Discover now