【 4.DEMON 】

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"Do you remember?"  his voice was soft as he spoke.

"We promised to always stay together. In sadness and happiness, to never leave each other's sides." a hint of sorrow in his tone.

"So why did you go? Why didn't you stay? We promised, YOU promised."

"Why can't you remember me?"

Your eyes shot wide and you instinctively reached for your sword, only to find nothing. You were laying down, you immediately sat up and black started clouding your vision.

Shit shit shit shit

The black started to fade away and you tried to grab your other weapons, only to find them all gone.

You took in a shaky breath, resting your hands on the mattress beneath you. You realized how soft it is, your hand reached up to your head and you felt a bandage neatly wrapped around your head.

Did someone save you?

"You're awake." nope.

Your head snapped to the direction of the voice, and there it was, in the dark, two pair of labeled golden eyes staring daggers into you. You swallowed.

"You've been asleep for quite a while now." he spoke again as he began walking towards you, with each step he took, you felt yourself nearing death.

You hurriedly backed away, scrambling against the floor until your back hit the wall. The air was so tense you could barely breath.

Before you could react fast enough, the demon was already infront of you, looking down at your Terrified body.

You couldn't move.

For the first time in a while, you were actually horrified of a demon. And not just any demon, upper moon 3.

This is it, no doubt, you're not making it back alive.

"You're shaking. Calm down." His voice made you flinch.

You couldn't see his face in the dark, only his bright labeled eyes were visible.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Calm. Down." He spoke again, to not make him angry, you tried to calm your breathing.

You took in deep breaths slowly, your eyes still stuck to his. You wouldn't dare break the eye contact.

"Good, good." He praised you lightly. He turned around and walked away. As soon as his presence disappeared, you searched your surroundings frantically, hoping to find anything to defend yourself with.
But nothing, you could feel that the floor was thoroughly cleaned, not even a spec of dust was on it.

Okay.. okay- calm down, it's gonna be okay.

suddenly, the lanterns in the room all lit up, finally brightening the place. You got a good look at the view, you were in a clean bedroom with a new soft futon, a closet and a drawer.

You breathed slowly.

The door opened, and Akaza walked back inside carrying a tray of food that you could smell from a mile away, the scent was fantastic.

He placed the tray of food infront of you, smiling as he said.
"Go on, eat. You need energy if you want to make it back to your friends"

What the fuck?

You stared at the food skeptically, raising a brow.
"What is it?"

Akaza's smile dropped, replacing with a blank face immediately.
"It's chicken."

"With some human meat helping on the side?"
you narrowed your eyes at him, he did not break eye contact, only his lips curving into a slight smirk.

"I promise it's just chicken. I won't force you to eat it, starving is also an option..lady."

You were starving and he knew it, he was mocking you. You clenched your jaw and crossed your arms, what sort of mind games was he playing with you?

Taking care of your wounds, preparing you a room, and now making you food? All demons are insane..but this guy is a whole new level!

He's probably feeding you so you're more..full, for him to feast on you later.

His gaze remained on you as you refused to eat, he sat infront of you with his legs crossed, observing your every move.

The silence was tense, but you refused to speak.
Looking at every corner and part of the room but him.

You need to get out of there.

The only entrance and exit that you see is the way he came in from, the windows have been barricaded, probably to prevent the sunlight from coming in.

Your weapons are gone, and you didn't see them anywhere in the room, maybe he hid it from you, to mess with you more-

"(Y/N), eat your food." His harsh tone broke the silence. You visibly flinched and he saw that.

You finally looked at him and you realized how angry he looked, reluctantly, you picked up the chopsticks and began eating.
"You're a fucking animal.." you muttered, hoping he didn't hear it.

Akaza was relieved that you finally listened to him, but you didn't notice it.
As he watched you hastily and fearfully eat your food, those haunting thoughts came back to him.
But he quickly snapped out of it then spoke again.
"That's awfully quick to judge, considering you nearly cut my head off."

You looked back at him, narrowing your eyes.
"You didn't leave me any choice."

"And you think I have a choice?"

"What are you getting at?"

This time he didn't answer, he got up and walked to the door, glancing at you once more.
"Rest up, you're leaving tonight."

And with that, he was out of the room.

You sat there confused, something strange was going on with this demon.

He didn't attack you once when you were with the group, and he isn't attempting to kill you here..yet.

You took another bite of the food, observing the room.

Atleast the food tastes okay..

Atleast the food tastes okay

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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