~The End..............?~

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Author's Note: This is the final chapter. All of you need to/should read my story The TKO. It is a fantastic story. Also, read my Hetalia America fanfiction. Maybe, just maybe... If enough people read those stories, I will post a sequel to this story... Maybe...

I would just like the The TKO to be read some more before I start a new story pertaining to this one.

Enjoy this chapter. (It is very short, and open ended in case I do want to make a sequel.)


The guys had left their families. New lives had been made for them, each woman being given a psuedo-memory. That was it. Nothing more, nothing less. To the women, they had dead-beat baby daddies who walked out on them as soon as the kid/s were born...

That is... Except for Silver's ex-lover. When she was reunited with her child, circumstances were terrible. Her mind was too feeble and she broke down. She was sent to the mental hospital while her child was taken to her parent/s house to live.

The estimated time of being discharged? Never.

The guys were left to watch in despair as their families grew away from them and past any rational hope of being wooed by them again.

Such was life though... Karma was not nice to killers, now was it?

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